: the outer or superficial part of an organ or bodily structure (such as the kidney, adrenal gland, or cerebellum or a bone) especially : cerebral cortex (2) : the proteinaceous usually pigmented layer of a hair below the cuticle b : the outer part of some organisms (such as parame...
Aluminum, boron, copper, lead, and manganese showed significant contamination in the cuticle layer only, suggesting some protection of the inner cortex. Phosphorus and potassium decreased outside the scalp suggesting loss by washing, while chromium, mercury, selenium, sodium, titanium, and zinc ...
The cortex of the brain or of another organ is its outer layer. e.g. ...the cerebral cortex. 大脑皮层 cortex 单语例句 1. The participants who squelched their terror and pressed the " snake approach " button showed activation of a brain region called the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex...
: the outer or superficial part of an organ or bodily structure (such as the kidney, adrenal gland, or cerebellum or a bone) especially : cerebral cortex (2) : the proteinaceous usually pigmented layer of a hair below the cuticle b : the outer part of some organisms (such as parame...
The meaning of CORTEX is the outer or superficial part of an organ or bodily structure (such as the kidney, adrenal gland, or cerebellum or a bone); especially : cerebral cortex. How to use cortex in a sentence.
1.(Anatomy)anatomythe outer layer of any organ or part, such as the grey matter in the brain that covers the cerebrum (cerebral cortex) or the outer part of the kidney (renal cortex) 2.(Botany)botany a.the unspecialized tissue in plant stems and roots between the vascular bundles and th...
1.Anatomythe outer layer of any organ or part, such as the grey matter in the brain that covers the cerebrum (cerebral cortex) or the outer part of the kidney (renal cortex) 2.Botany a.the unspecialized tissue in plant stems and roots between the vascular bundles and the epidermis ...
HairTHE possibility that there exists beneath the scaly layer or cuticle of animal hair another peripheral layer has been discussed both in these columns 1,2 and elsewhere 3,4 . The supposed layer has been named variously subcutis, between-membrane and cortical mantle. The most convenient way ...
创建一个fulllayer,设置save选项为save rib ,然后点render. 这样就保存了一个含有cortex procedural的rib场景文件,在终端用renderdl进行渲染 执行命令 $renderdl ~/maya/projects/default/3delight/untitled/rib/untitled_fullRenderPass.rib 如果渲染成功,则cortex和maya,3delight的工作环境便搭建好了。
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Water Absorption from Soil: The process begins with the absorption of water from the soil by the plant roots. The roots are equipped with root hairs that increase the surface area for w