"liveWatch": { "enabled": true, "samplesPerSecond": 4 }, If you had this too your configuration it should work. For the register/peripherals. These sometimes do not work and I have not been able to debug as to why as of yet. Will try to dive into that a little bit more once ...
"preLaunchTask": { "type": "PlatformIO", "task": "Pre-Debug" }, "type": "cortex-debug", "servertype": "bmp", "interface": "swd", "device": "ATSAM3X8E", "BMPGDBSerialPort": "//./COM15", "runToEntryPoint": "setup", "liveWatch": { "enabled": true, "samplesPerSecond":...
Summary CortexProg is a debugger for Cortex-M microcontrollers. It can serve as the only tool needed to reverse-engineer devices, create new designs, debug prototypes, program boards on production lines, or general for-fun hacking on devboards. CortexProg can read data from a microcontroller, ...
The screenshot of the LiveWatch window in IAR Embedded Workbench below shows the values in raw form. elapsed_time_tbl[] is an array that stores the measurements for the different code snippets. As a side note, the start field has limited display value other than showing activity (i.e. se...
Live code coverage ≅1000’s of breakpoints Capture a call stack while CPU is running Reveal bottlenecks with function profiling Pin-point the cause of hard faults Effortless interrupt and loop timing Automated code coverage reporting ITM based waveform viewer & debug window ...
Summary CortexProg is a debugger for Cortex-M microcontrollers. It can serve as the only tool needed to reverse-engineer devices, create new designs, debug prototypes, program boards on production lines, or general for-fun hacking on devboards. CortexProg can read data from a microcontroller, ...
PowerDebug is Lauterbachs powerful, modular, flexible debug system that adapts and grows with customer needs. It provides the broadest coverage of supported chips and core architectures in the embedded industry including all Infineon microcontrollers. Key benefits are: The intelligent debug modules provid...
Timers and watchdogs The devices include two advanced-control timers, eight general-purpose timers, two basic timers and two watchdog timers. All timer counters can be frozen in debug mode. Table 6 compares the features of the advanced-control, general-purpose and basic timers. 36/225 DS1...
://cdn.energymi- cro.com/dl/an/pdf/an0043_efm32_debug_trace_capabilities.pdf 7 - A video demonstrating how Energy Micro's energyAware Profiler can be used to correlate source code execution and map energy consumption in real-time is available at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch...
It can be used as a watchdog to reset the device when a problem occurs. It is clocked by the system clock. It has an early-warning interrupt capability. Its counter can be frozen in debug mode. SysTick timer This timer is dedicated to real-time operating systems, but it can also be...