当前规格: CORSAIR 海盗船 Hydro H100i GTX 多平台水冷CPU散热器全网比价 美国亚马逊 最低 ¥629.42 商品介绍 完善信息 待完善 好价爆料 (5) 相关文章 (2) 全网口碑 发现 美商海盗船 H150 RGB 360mm 一体式水冷散热器 799元 推荐人:值友4813557475 标签: CPU散热器 京东自营 散热器优惠好货 ...
产品简介:海盗船 H100i GTX,散热器类型:水冷散热器;散热方式:风冷,水冷;适用范围:Intel LGA 1150/115X/1366/2011。 海盗船H100i GTX热门行情 更多文章 > 喜迎五一 海盗船Link水冷散热H100i逼近千元 行情|新年伊始再发力 海盗船H80i水冷散热器上市03-06 ...
Both the H100i and H100i GTX are 240mm radiators, however the GTX is 3mm thicker – measuring 30mm thick, allowing for more surface area for heat dissipation. This indeed can be a good thing and we’ll have to find out if this helps the GTX become an even better contender in today...
The installation of the H100i GTX is simple. The holder for Intel CPUs come preinstalled on the block; in order to install it on AMD processors, just replace the holder with the appropriate one. To install the cooler on LGA2011-v3 CPUs, just attach four separators, put the block over ...
美国新蛋网 Corsair Hydro Series™ H100i GTX Extreme Performance Water / Liquid CPU Cooler. 240mm - Newegg.com历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Corsair Hydro Series™ H100i GTX Extreme Performance Water / Liquid CPU Cooler. 240mm - Newegg.com
苏宁易购为您提供海盗船(CORSAIR)海盗船H100IGTX散热器和酷冷至尊冰神B240 多平台 CPU 一体式水冷散热器ryzen 双腔水泵参数对比,让您了解海盗船(CORSAIR)海盗船H100IGTX散热器和酷冷至尊冰神B240 多平台 CPU 一体式水冷散热器ryzen 双腔水泵哪个好,让您选择更喜欢的商品。
全模组hx1000i有两根Corsair Link线,其中一根是usb接口一头接在电源上面,另外一头是9pin的可以插在主板上。那么在这个电源usb接口上方还有一个接口 x222ok 11-10 9 H150i Elite Lcd水冷,ICUE里没有LCD选项 松鼠和葱... 别的都正常,就是水冷头的选项里,根本没有LCD设置。 USB线各种插拔都试了,就是没...
- Hydro Series - H80i, H100i, H80i GT, H100i GTX, H110i GT, H110i GTX, H80i V2, H100i V2, H110i, H115i - PSU Series - AXi, HXi, RMi, RM (With USB Dongle) - Commander MINI Changelog: - CPU usage issue on some systems has been addressed. ...
- Hydro Series - H80i, H100i, H80i GT, H100i GTX, H110i GT, H110i GTX, H80i V2, H100i V2, H110i, H115i - PSU Series - AXi, HXi, RMi, RM (With USB Dongle) - Commander MINI Changelog: - Detection of AX1500i when it's connected directly to USB port ...