CORSAIR iCUE software harnesses both the performance and the customization of DARK CORE RGB PRO, with full RGB lighting customization and synchronization with other iCUE devices, as well as button remaps and advanced macro programming for the mouse's eight buttons. The DARK CORE RGB PRO retains ...
Corsair’s debut wireless mouse, the Dark Core SE, is one of the company’s strongest designs in years, but myriad technical quirks, a poorly-placed thumb button, and over-complicated software hold it back. Best Prices Today: Corsair Dark Core SE Retailer Price Corsair $89.99 View Dea...
CORSAIR美商海盗船暗影DARK CORE RGB无线鼠标是其旗舰级游戏鼠标,外观设计保持了流线型,背面采用类似高尔夫球表面的纹理,增强了抓握的摩擦力。它支持2.4GHz无线或蓝牙4.2连接,并有普通无线版和Qi无线充电版供选择。搭载PMW3367光学传感器,最高可达16000DPI,支持3组配置文件和9个自定义按钮。可拆卸侧...
暗影DARK CORE是美商海盗船的旗舰级游戏鼠标,支持2.4GHz无线或蓝牙4.2连接,分为普通无线版和支持Qi无线充电的版本。这款鼠标搭载了PMW3367光学传感器,最高支持16000DPI,可存储3组配置文件,配备了9个自定义按钮。侧翼的握把可拆卸,帮助玩家找到最合适的握持手感。作为旗舰级鼠标,RGB灯效是必不可少...
CORSAIR美商海盗船暗影DARK CORE RGB无线鼠标是一款集高性能与美观设计于一身的无线鼠标。它支持2.4GHz无线和蓝牙4.2连接方式,确保了稳定性和灵活性。该鼠标搭载了PMW3367光学传感器,最高可达16000DPI,为不同需求的用户提供了丰富的选择。暗影DARK CORE RGB无线鼠标不仅在性能上表现出色,其外观设计也...
暗影DARK CORE RGB无线鼠标以其出色的性能配置和使用体验,成为了游戏玩家的首选。它支持2.4GHz无线或蓝牙4.2连接,提供了稳定且便捷的使用体验。同时,鼠标还推出了普通无线版和Qi无线充电版,以满足不同用户的需求。暗影DARK CORE RGB无线鼠标搭载了PMW3367光学传感器,最高支持16000DPI,无论是日常办公...
CORSAIR美商海盗船暗影DARK CORE RGB无线鼠标是一款专为游戏玩家设计的游戏鼠标,其优异的握持感和性能让它成为了众多玩家的首选。这款鼠标采用了2.4GHz无线和蓝牙连接技术,最高支持16000DPI的PMW3367光学传感器,确保了游戏中的精准操作和快速响应。这款鼠标的设计注重细节,流线型的外观搭配低调奢华的RGB...
暗影DARK CORE是贼船的旗舰级游戏鼠标,支持2.4GHz无线或者蓝牙4.2连接,分为普通无线版和支持Qi无线充电的版本。搭载PMW3367光学传感器,最高支持16000DPI,可存储3组配置文件,9个自定义按钮,侧翼的握把可拆卸,帮助玩家找到最合适的握持手感。既然是旗舰级鼠标,RGB灯效不会缺席,3个灯位低调奢华。外观保持着优异的流线造...
Corsair Dark Core RGB Pro has RGB lighting. In total, 9 independent zones that we can customize through its own software. TheCorsairDark Core RGB Pro mouse comes in a cardboard box in the manufacturer’s signature colors (i.e. yellow and black). At the top of this mouse we will find...
100-Word Product Description The CORSAIR DARK CORE RGB PRO SE boasts three ways to connect, including sub-1ms SLIPSTREAM WIRELESS.A custom 18,000 DPI optical sensor comes optimized for low power consumption, and hyper-polling technology communicates with your PC at up to 2,000Hz. Its contoured...