@CORSAIR海盗船中国 4000D 做过了,5000D 也来了,那么下一台岂不 _000D?分体水,下个月见,昂~ 本次装机配置 CPU:i5-10600KF / i9-10900K 主板:技嘉 Z590 VISION G 内存:金士顿掠食者 RGB 显卡:ROG 3070...
bykskiBykski CORSAIR 水路板 导流板 1000D/4000D/5000D/7000D RGV-COS-7000D-P 水路板(5V RBW-无泵)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Corsair ICUE 4000D RGB case I'm having the same issue as OP. Sucks that you kind of have to dig a bit to find out this information. Had I know before I would not have invested this much money into an entire line of products that make my computer unstable and somewhat unusable in ...