CORSAIR 海盗船近年来推出的机箱广受玩家喜爱,其中又以主打散热的 AIRFLOW 系列机箱最为效能玩家热衷,小编这次上手的是 CORSAIR 5000D AIRFLOW 机箱,主打中塔式体积且具备视觉和散热效果。1、CORSAIR 5000D AIRFLOW 外观设计CORSAIR 5000D AIRFLOW 采用主流中塔式设计,实际尺寸为 520 x 245 x 245mm,我们这次收...
Corsair 5000D AIRFLOW Tempered Glass 评测,Corsair在去年推出了全新4000系列中塔机箱,外观设计和之前的型号改进较多,也收获了不少的好评,今年厂商延续了设计语言,拿出了5000系列,相比于前作,主要是增大了机箱的尺寸,外观上可以说是4000的放大版,内部扩展和兼 ...,机箱,评
当前产品 海盗船5000D AIRFLOW 指导价:¥999 市场价:暂无 共36张图片 查看详细参数>> 机箱新品推荐 长城冰霜X3W¥199 先马Q98¥219 ice 玩嘉律动MINI¥139 至睿战警GT¥179 海盗船Air 540¥949 海盗船380T¥999 机箱品牌排行 航嘉 先马 游戏悍将 Tt 金河田 酷冷至尊 海盗船 aigo 超频三 鑫谷关于...
The Corsair 5000D Airflow is the first full-tower chassis from the brand with their new signature look, and the yellow color accents we first saw in the 4000D. As the name and form factor imply, the 5000D Airflow is both taller and deeper, but still foll
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Corsair 3000D Airflow Tempered Glass $59.99 Corsair iCUE 5000X RGB Tempered Glass $154.99 Reviews Have a look at what others think before you buy. from 1,559 ratings Welington a year ago·Verified purchase My purchase went really well ...
Airflow: AIO Cooler mounted in front of chasis with fan PULLING in air Case fans mounted on top x2 pushing air upwards and x1 fan on back pushing air out back PSU fan also pushing air out the back Hardware info: Stock boost by Asus mobo, no adjustments to CPU tweaks ...
Corsair 5000D AIRFLOW Tempered Glass 评测,第8页,Corsair在去年推出了全新4000系列中塔机箱,外观设计和之前的型号改进较多,也收获了不少的好评,今年厂商延续了设计语言,拿出了5000系列,相比于前作,主要是增大了机箱的尺寸,外观上可以说是4000的放大版,内部扩展和兼 ...,
Airflow: AIO Cooler mounted in front of chasis with fan PULLING in air Case fans mounted on top x2 pushing air upwards and x1 fan on back pushing air out back PSU fan also pushing air out the back Hardware info: Stock boost by Asus mobo, no adjustments to CPU tweaks R...