美商海盗船 (USCORSAIR) HS80 RGB 无线版 游戏耳机 无线/USB连接 杜比音效 麦克风 多平台支持 线控 京东价 : 98% 好评度 买家印象: 十分酷炫(19) 做工一流(17) 倍感舒适(10) 方便快捷(6) 彰显档次(5) 分量感足(4) 功能强大(3) 质量上乘(2) 稳定性佳(2) 响应迅速(2) 送给TA(2) 声音清亮(...
Get immersed in gaming with the white Corsair HS80 RGB USB, featuring Dolby 7.1 Audio & Broadcast-grade Microphone.
美商海盗船 Corsair HS80 RGB 无线耳机简评 船新升级的iCUE带来更丰富的功能内容。HS80和SLIPSTREAM无线接收器各有一套控制系统,其中,HS80的灯光控制界面可轻松使用预设灯效、定制背光颜色和开启音频可视化效果;在关闭空间音效的条件下有多套预设EQ配置可选,界面左下角区域会显示当前是立体声模式还是有空间音效介入;麦...
美商海盗船 (USCORSAIR) HS80 RGB 黑色 游戏耳机 /USB连接 杜比音效 麦克风 多平台支持 线控 京东价 : 98% 好评度 买家印象: 十分酷炫(19) 做工一流(17) 倍感舒适(10) 方便快捷(6) 彰显档次(5) 分量感足(4) 功能强大(3) 质量上乘(2) 稳定性佳(2) 响应迅速(2) 送给TA(2) 声音清亮(1) ...
DasCORSAIR HS80ist eines unserer beliebtestenGaming-Headsets.Es klingt großartig, ist auch über längere Zeiträume bequem und mit einer Vielzahl von Geräten kompatibel. (Noch breiter, wenn du dich für dasHS80 MAXentscheidest, denn das hat Bluetooth). ...
|Corsair Gaming Stock Price|Ps5 Gaming Headset Wireless|Corsair H80i| **Unmatched Audio Quality and Immersion** Step into the world of high-fidelity gaming with the CORSAIR HS80 RGB Wireless Premium Gaming Headset. This headset is engineered to deliver an unparalleled audio experience, featuring a...
1.Live the Game: The HS80 RGB WIRELESS merges iconic CORSAIR design, superb audio quality, industry leading wireless technology, and durable build quality. 2.Hyper-Fast SLIPSTREAM WIRELESS: Extremely low-latency, high-quality audio so you can hear every shot, step, and shout as it happens. ...
CORSAIR HS80 RGB WIRELESS HEADSET TheHS80 RGB WIRELESSis a mix of iconic CORSAIR design, superb audio quality, industry-leading wireless technology, all wrapped up in a durable, light-weight build. When connected via USB, you can experience true high-fidelity 24bit/96kHz audio or take advanta...
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