我的CORS过滤器(复制粘贴22kar的答案):Spring Boot : CORS Issue 我的WebMvcConfigurer: 代码语言:javascript 复制 @Bean public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() { return new WebMvcConfigurer() { @Override public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) { registry.addMapping("/greeting-javaconfig"...
2、 使用 CORS,开发者可以使用普通的 XMLHttpRequest 发起请求和获得数据,比起 JSONP 有更好的 错误...
这样的话请求来了之后,第一个就会为 response 设置相应的 CORS 响应头,后续如果其他自定义拦截器抛出异常,也不会有影响了。 感觉是一个可行的解决方案,但是 Spring Boot 的成员认为这不是 Spring Boot 的Bug,而是 Spring Framework 的 Bug,所以将这个issue关闭了。 所以推荐使用Filter并且将cors的优先级提升到最高 ...
15098731779opened this issueAug 1, 2024· 1 comment Comments Copy link 15098731779commentedAug 1, 2024 版本号: springboot2.7 问题描述: 三方安全检查扫描如下,CORS(跨站资源共享)原始验证失败 CORS漏洞是当前服务器对跨源资源的配置不当,导致允许任意源来共享服务器资源,从而导致用户数据泄露、客户端缓存中毒或者...
I've used theglobalcorsparameter in the gateway configuration and, on the microservices side, I'm using the@CrossOriginSpring Boot annotation. Also, I tried to configure the security filter such that to disable CORS but with the same result. Whatever I do, I have this same exception. However...
The remote server was set up using Java and SpringBoot. As best we understand, when that code was set up for CORS, it also expected the origin header to exist; even for server to server communication. This config problem solved our issue, and we moved onto the next problem....
And we will see that the API is working on local environment using Proxy config and CORS error has also gone. Note: This is just a fix for development. If you have CORS issue in production, the problem likely has to do with the server configuration!Explore...
Spring provides first-classsupportfor CORS, offering an easy and powerful way of configuring it in any Spring or Spring Boot web application. Further reading: Fixing 401s with CORS Preflights and Spring Security Learn how to fix HTTP error status 401 for CORS preflight requests ...
关于如何解决这个问题,我没有任何线索。有人能帮忙吗?谢谢。 来源:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67249803/configure-cors-and-csrf-to-handle-checkmarx-xsrf-attack-issue-in-spring-boot-app 关注 举报 暂无答案! 目前还没有任何答案,快来回答吧! 我来回答...
用于在Sping Boot 3中使用Spring Security创建REST API。这是启用CORS(跨源资源共享)的最佳方式。