In 2023, we ranked 57th out of 180 countries in the Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index with a score of 50, up from 47. A year earlier, we were ranked 61st. There has been an improvement, but obviously, we have a long way to go. Take our southern neighbour. In...
CNM News The Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK), one of India’s premier business schools, hosted several hundred business and academic delegates in London for their first-ever international conclave on ‘Globalizing Indian Thought,’ on 24-25 October. Senate House, Un...
Party’s state general secretary MT Ramesh’s FB post says that he is unable to recommend for even starting a nursery.”Then , how can I involve in getting sanction a medical college? “Ramesh asks in his FB page. Meanwhile Aam Aadmi Party Keralal convener C.R.Neelakantan in...
内政部部长福尔于1922 年分别把怀俄明州茶壶顶和加州 分享91 英语吧 你们的病治不好 《解读普京 - 为什么普京是美国的眼中钉》 Almost ten years ago the President of Russia Vladimir Putin left the KGB in the rank of a colonel. One might say that the KGB officer would 分享36赞 妹红的超级水库吧...
For instance, countries such as Singapore and Denmark consistently rank high in financial development indices while ranking low in perceived corruption rankings (Transparency International, 2019). Sound institutional frameworks and openness in governance structures in these countries have created an ...
The first rank for the score concerning governance is assigned to Spain, representing the full adoption model with the longest experience. Such an outcome for Spain is heavily influenced by a strong legal system quality and political stability. Portugal represents the partial adoption model with a ...