The potentials of 23 different metals exposed to Yulin seawater in the south of China for 180 days were measured and the data for various characteristic potentials were discribed. The characters of corrosion potential of metals in tropical seawater was investigated by means of potential\\|time ...
THE electrode potential of a mild steel specimen immersed in sodium chloride solutions has been measured in conditions of very rapid aeration produced by bubbling air vigorously over the specimen. Corrosion is rapid, but the potential does not fall to the values observed in conditions of moderate ...
金属的腐蚀与防护(Corrosion and protection of metals).doc,金属的腐蚀与防护(Corrosion and protection of metals) The corrosion and protection of metals When the metal and the surrounding medium contact, due to chemical and electrochemical action and the
金属的腐蚀与防护(Corrosionandprotectionofmetals) Thecorrosionandprotectionofmetals Whenthemetalandthesurroundingmediumcontact,dueto chemicalandelectrochemicalactionandthedamagecausedby thecorrosionofmetaliscalled.Fromthethermodynamic viewpoint,exceptforafewpreciousmetals(suchasAu,Pt), variousmetalshavebecomethetrendtha...
S. Hiromoto, in Metals for Biomedical Devices, 2010 Monitoring of corrosion potential Long-term change of corrosion potential (open-circuit potential) reflects a change in a corrosion system because the change in corrosion potential depends on the change in one or both of the anodic and cathodic...
This paper provides an overview of the critical factors influencing the pitting corrosion of metals. The phenomenology of pitting corrosion is discussed, including the effects of alloy composition, environment, potential, and temperature. A summary is then given of studies that have focused on various...
A method for the inhibition of corrosion of metals involves treatment of the metal surface with a polyester having a functional terminal group such as an amine. The polyester may be used together with other corrosion inhibitors, a useful combination being the polyester together with a hydroxy-oxime...
Interdisciplinary studies of the interactions among microorganisms and between microorganisms and metals in corrosive biofilms show promise for developing new technologies to detect and prevent corrosion. In this Review, we explore the role of microorganisms in metal corrosion and discuss potential ways to...
As usual, polarization tests start at a negative potential of − 1.0 V versus SCE, reaching more positive values. In such a process, the initial sector of the anodic polarization curve refers to the beginning of a corrosion phenomenon, where the metallic material reacts with the supporting ...