2023 年 12 月,MDPI 期刊Corrosion and Materials Degradation(CMD)正式被 Scopus 收录。在此,CMD向为期刊发展作出巨大贡献的主编、编委、客座编辑、审稿专家和作者们表示衷心的感谢,向长期关注期刊发展的读者致以诚挚的谢意! 截至目前,MDPI ...
Corrosion and Materials Degradation (CMD) (ISSN 2624-5558) 是由MDPI出版的国际型开放获取期刊,于2020年6月出版发行创刊号,每季度在线出版。CMD期刊致力于推广材料腐蚀与降解研究的新工艺,同时促进该学科研究方法的进步和发展。 目前,期刊编委会由来自世界各地的50位知名学者组成,期刊主题涉及腐蚀机理及寿命预测、腐...
biomaterials and medical devicesCorrosion of materials in the chemical process industriesHigh temperature corrosionNuclear waste disposalThe effect of corrosion on water pollution and the environmentCorrosion of advanced materialsDegradation of non-metalsCorrosion control and monitoring techniquesModeling and life...
Corrosion and Degradation of Implant Materials Corrosion and degradation of implant materials : second symposium a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees F-4 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Deviced and G-1 on Corrosion of Metals, Louisville, Ky., 9-10 May 1983 ; Anna C. Fraker... S ...
npj Materials Degradation volume 6, Article number: 19 (2022) Cite this article 7870 Accesses 11 Citations 4 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Stainless steel ASTM 316 L is often used in the food industry as contact material with protein-rich dairy products. It has to be welded at some ...
and ignored the degradation of materials other than steel, e.g., reinforced concrete, non-ferrous alloys, non-metallic materials, and organic coatings. The CO2emissions associated with, e.g., corrosion of reinforced concrete structures could increase the carbon footprint of corrosion substantially, ...
Corrosion and Materials DegradationSpecial Issue in journal Corrosion and Materials Degradation: Cultural Heritage Materials Degradation and Its Prevention Volume II
Corrosion of steel reinforcements in concrete constructions is a worldwide problem. To assess the degradation of rebars in reinforced concrete, an accurate description of electric current, potential and concentrations of various species present in the co
Materials Degradation and Corrosion Prof.dr.ir. Walter Bogaerts KU Leuven – Dept. MTM Academic year 2013-2014 Version 0.3 © 2013 incl. Corrosion Prevention, Some Failure Analysis basics, And some Fracture Mechanics …
内容提示: Materials Degradation and Corrosion Prof.dr.ir. Walter Bogaerts KU Leuven – Dept. MTM Academic year 2013-2014 Version 0.3 © 2013 incl. Corrosion Prevention, Some Failure Analysis basics, And some Fracture Mechanics … 文档格式:PDF | 页数:240 | 浏览次数:5 | 上传日期:2017-07-...