Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy II, Volume 124 (Methods in Cell Biology) Thomas Müller-Reichert and Paul Verkade (Eds.). Academic Press. Cambridge, MA, 2014, 452 pp. ISBN: 978-0128010754.doi:10.1017/s1431927616011600Nadine Soplop...
Coral workflows by Leica Microsystems help users correlate fluorescence and electron microscopy (CLEM) data.
The combination of electron microscopy with transmitted light microscopy (termed correlative light and electron microscopy; CLEM) has been employed for decades to generate molecular identification that can be visualized by a dark, electron-dense precipitate. This new volume of "Methods in Cell Biology"...
Electron microscopy is a powerful method for acquiring high resolution structural information at the nanometer scale. Because the wavelength of accelerated electrons is much shorter than that of visible light, the diffraction barrier of light can be overcome and much smaller features can be visualized....
Cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy (i-CLEM) Vitrified TEM grids containing fluorescently labeled CAD cells were imaged on an epifluorescent Axiovert 200 M inverted microscope (Zeiss) equipped with a cryo-correlative stage (Cryostage2, FEI), 10 × (NA 0.3), 40 × (NA ...
M. (2012). Correlative light and electron micros- copy in parasite research. Methods in Cell Biology, 111, 59-73. B978-0-12-416026-2.00004-2.Loussert C., Forestier C. L. & Humbel B. M. Correlative light and electron microscopy in parasite research . ...
—, 1984: Correlative light and electron microscopy with fluorescent stains. Mycologia 76 , 462–467.TAYLORJW (1984) Correlative light and electron microscopy with fluorescent stains. Mycologia 76:462-467Taylor J (1984) Correlative light and electron microscopy with fluorescent stains. Mycologia 76 :...
correlative and sequential light as well as electron microscopic CaP observation in the kidney tissue by combining fluorescent staining for CaPs and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on resin sections prepared using high-pressure freezing and freeze ...
contamination-free specimen handling throughout your experiment. High resolution imaging combined with sophisticated software enables you to quickly and easily target your region of interest. You can then simply export the coordinates and image data to an electron microscope for the next steps in the...
When proteins were double-tagged with green fluorescent protein and MT, direct correlative light and electron microscopy allowed visualization of the same macromolecular complexes with different spatial resolutions. MT-gold tagging might also become a useful tool for mapping proteins into the 3D-density ...