Numerous examples help reveal the fallacy of attributing direct causation to correlation. For instance, a site for a statistics course at the University of Texas points out the positive relationship between the number of churches and bars in any given community. Should we conclude, therefore, that...
millionsofdollarsmaybewasted.10 CorrelationDoesNotImplyCausation 11 Example:TV YouwillfindastatisticallysignificantrelationshipifyouregresstheaveragelifeexpectancyonthenumberofTVs/personusingcrosscountrydata.CouldwelengthenthelivesofpeopleinRwandabyshippingthemmoreTVs?12 ...
Before you stop helping your children understand long division or correcting their grammar, you should learn about one of the most basic statistical concepts: correlation does not imply causation. The first two chapters of this very popular text book describes the problem and even Khan Academy has...
In the statement correlation does not imply causation, correlation is here seen as a person, giving you subtle hints where to look for the cause. This is a metaphor for research, where the correlation must be investigated further, perhaps in a wider scope or with the consideration of more ...
Correlation does not imply causation: decline of house sparrow overshadowed by electromagnetic radiationBirdsCellphone towerEMRPublic-healthUrbanizationIndiaThe persisting growth of wireless telecommunication technology causes increased electrosmog. Exposure to wide-ranging radiofrequency electromagnetic fields is ...
It is important to understand that correlation does not necessarily imply causation. Variables A and B might rise and fall together, or A might rise as B falls, but it is not always true that the rise of one factor directly influences the rise or fall of the other. Both may be caused ...
If correlation does not imply causation,it’s also true that causation need not imply correlation. Writing in Science, ecologist George Sugihara and colleagues give a nice example (Science 338, 496–500; 2012).Consider a simple model for the interaction of two species — foxes and rabbits, ...
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation The above should make us pause when we think that statistical evidence is used to justify things such as medical regimens, legislation, and educational proposals. It is important that good work is done in interpreting data, especially if results involving correla...