Mental health DisordersHomelessnessDual DiagnosisDepressionSubstance AbuseCo MorbidityLow Socio-economic Status and SchizophreniaA review of epidemiological journals on mental health identifies a link between poverty and chronic health disorders. Explanatory models of persons suffering frdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2152161...
The Association Between the Material Well-Being and the Subjective Well-Being of Children in 35 Countries It is well established that child poverty has a profound, costly, and long-term impact on physical and mental health, educational attainment, and outcomes ... D Gross-Manos,J Bradshaw - ...
From poverty and life expectancy to crime rates and education levels, as well as employment rates and inflation – negative correlations can be found in many areas. Researchers can quantify the strength of a negative correlation between two variables and measure its effect on one another by utiliz...
Two meta-analyses assessed whether the relations between reading and mathematics outcomes could be explained through overlapping skills (e.g., systems for word and fact retrieval) or domain-general influences (e.g., top-down attentional control). The first (378 studies, 1,282,796 participants) ...
The research further assessed the impact of age, race, educational attainment, marital status, vitamin D levels, smoking, vaginal deliveries, hysterectomy, poverty-to-income ratio (PIR), menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), hypertension, diabetes, and chronic pulmonary illness, in accordance with other...
Bragazzi6 explored internet usage data for seeking health materials for self-care and self-management purposes in monitoring multiple sclerosis using Google Trends. The study concluded that Google Trends was a reliable tool for monitoring multiple sclerosis with significant correlations found between ...
It is a broad concept, influenced by the complex ways of physical health, mental state, personal beliefs, social relationships, and the relationship between the individual and the salient features of the environment [26, 27]. The purpose of this conception is to reduce poverty, improve ...
The noninfluence of ‘family background’ on intellectual attainment: a critique of Scarr and Weinberg. Am Sociol Rev 1980; 45: 855–858. Article Google Scholar Rowe DC, Rodgers JL . Poverty and behavior: are environmental measures nature and nurture? Dev Rev 1997; 17: 358–375. Article...
MEdiAtEd NArrAtivES oF SyriANrEFugEES 205structure, rising levels of poverty and unemployment, an increase in cases of human traff icking, an expected increase in crime levels in the long term, unplanned urbanization, inf lation in border regions, undocumented workers causing resentment among Turkish...
The resulting correlation was that insulin dependent diabetics are significantly more depressed than nondiabetic controls, and that there is a significant correlation between poverty ratio and depressive composite scores. Current research suggests the need to continue searching for a correlation that can ...