We begin by presenting a summary of our key results on the evolution of the Fermi surface along both the temperature and Se substitution axes of the FeTe1−xSex phase diagram (Fig. 1a). For simplicity, we refer to single crystals with the following Se content: x = 0, 0.11, 0.19...
mis cor·re·la tionnoun non cor·re·la tionnoun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofcorrelation1 First recorded in1555–65;fromMedieval Latin:correlātiōn-(stem ofcorrelātiō);cor-,relation Quiz Q: An adjective that is used to compare two things is called a ... ...
Correlation Analysis between Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of the IL 1βGene and IL 1 Content in Serum in Three Chicken Breeds 来自 知网 喜欢 0 阅读量: 57 作者:WANG Cun-bo,CHANG Guo-bin,XU Qi,WANG Ke-hua,LEI Li-li,ZHOU Qiong,LIAO Jing,CHEN Rong,HU Guo-shun,GONG Lin-lin,CHEN Guo-...
来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 20 作者:ROE,V K. 摘要: Since infant developmental tests are heavily loaded with perceptual-motor items and are relatively free of auditory-verbal items, it was hypothesized that performance on infant tests would correlate higher with those later tests which ...
Linear Correlation Coefficient 线性相关程度 它有以下特点: r的取值总是在−1到+1之间; 取值越远离 0 , 说明两者的线性相关性越强; 正负号表明两者是正相关(y 随着 x 增大而增大)还是负相关(y 随着 x 增大而减少)。 一般来说,如果 |r| 的值大于0.85,说明两者线性强相关;取值在0.5至0.85,为中等程度相...
After two decades since the discovery of ferromagnetism in manganese-doped gallium arsenide, its origin is still debated, and many doubts are related to the electronic structure. Here we report an experimental and theoretical study of the valence electro
where Φ(x) is the cumulative distribution function of a standard normal probability density function with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. The last equality in the equation is due to the i.i.d. property of s(t) within and across trials. The kernel equation can be further simplified as ...
来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 52 作者:MKP So,J Wong,M Asai 摘要: Evaluating portfolio risk typically requires that correlation estimates of security returns be made. Historical financial events have shown that correlations can rise quickly, causing a huge increase in portfolio risk. ...
来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 1038 作者:Schreier, Hubert,Orteu, Jean-José,MA Sutton 摘要: Image Correlation for Shape, Motion and Deformation Measurements provides a comprehensive overview of data extraction through image analysis. Readers will find and in-depth look into various single- ...