colorWe demonstrate a tunable correlated-color-temperature (CCT) scheme for quantum-dot (QD) lighting and backlight. The QDs are excited by two blue LEDs with different central wavelengths. Our experiment shows that the CCT of our device can be tuned from ~4900 K to >20,000 K. Warmer ... OPEN Correlated color temperature is not a suitable proxy for the biological potency of light Tony Esposito 1* & Kevin Houser 2,3 Using a simulation based on a real, five-channel tunable LED lighting system, we show that Correlated ...
1.1. Illuminance and correlated color temperature Illuminance level and correlated color temperature (CCT) are two of the most commonly analyzed features of interior lighting [14,15]. Illuminance, measured in lux (lx), indicates the amount of light falling onto a surface. CCT is a measurement of...
Effect of gold wire bonding process on angular correlated color temperature uniformity of white light-emitting diode Gold wire bonding is an important packaging process of lighting emitting diode (LED). In this work, we studied the effect of gold wire bonding on the angul... B Wu,X Luo,H ...
The visual effects of lighting on art paintings is an important aspect that should be considered by museum curators. The aim of this work was to determine the correlated color temperature (CCT) of daylight illumination preferred by observers when appreciating art paintings. Hyperspectral images of 11...
Paired housing, a soiled cage, a 45° cage tilt, water scarcity, strobe light, continuous lighting, an empty water bottle, and white noise were used to form the CMS model. Behavioral testing As previously described22, we conducted a sucrose preference test (SPT) to measure the rat ...
To normalize data to a known color value range, images of the Japanese Pork Color Standards were captured under the same lighting conditions. Color standards also were measured in triplicate with a colorimeter to obtain color measurements in the CIELAB color space. Color standard images were conver...
Correlated color temperature preferred by observers for illumination of artistic paintings The visual effects of lighting on art paintings is an important aspect that should be considered by museum curators. The aim of this work was to determine ... PD Pinto,JMM Linhares,SMC Nascimento - 《Journal...
Using the equation, we analyze the variation of coefficient B with background lighting level of the different correlated color temperature lighting sources under mesopic vision levels. By calculating the mesopic equivalent illumination of the different sources, our results showing that the higher ...
astrongcontenderfornextgenerationsmartlighting. ©2016OpticalSocietyofAmerica OCIScodes:(220.2945)Illuminationdesign;(330.1690)Color;(230.3670)Light-emitting diodes;(160.3710)Liquidcrystals;(230.2090)Electro-opticaldevices. Referencesandlinks 1.E.F.Schubert,T.Gessmann,andJ.K.Kim,LightEmittingDiodes(JohnWiley...