Politically sensitiveadjectiveReferring to language reflecting awareness and sensitivity to another person's physical, mental, cultural, or other disadvantages or deviations from a norm; a person is not mentally retarded, but rather mentally challenged; a person is not obese but rather has an eating ...
Politically correct (PC) language such as “fire fighter” and “(s)he” is a great topic for higher-level classes, as are spoof PC expressions like “vertically challenged” for “short” and “living impaired” for “dead”. Students may also be interested in having the kinds of conversa...
Conspiracy theorists are (mentally?) challenged Kimberly Gamble later makes an “observation” about how bringing up conspiracy theory topics is a “socially challenging” and whoever does is prone of being ridiculed. This wouldn’t be the case if conspiracy theorists didn’t show/make use of: ...
If you use these words in a literal way to describe someone who is mentally ill it is rude. Instead you could say that they are “mentally disabled” or “mentally handicapped” or “mentally challenged.” Are you looking for a professional, native Englis......