The second criterion showed a 50% improvement in the correct placement of blood pressure cuff on the arm circumference. The third criterion achieved a 12% improvement in compliance with maintaining the patient's arm at the heart level.Conclusion This project highlighted some essential strategies that...
Also referred to as a blood pressure monitor or blood pressure meter, a sphygmomanometer is a device that is widely used to measure blood pressure. It consists of a number of components, including an inflatable cuff, a pump with a valve and a mercury-filled...
blood pressure cuffcorrect placementhigh dependencyvital signsGarcia, Mary Grace UranzaAng, EmilyAhmad, Noor MelatiLim, Chi ChingJBI Evidence ImplementationGarcia, M.G.U., Ang, E., Ahmad, N.M. & Lim, C.C. (2012). Correct placement of blood pressure cuff during blood pressure measurement. ...
Comparative study of the indirect measurement of arterial blood pressure in pregnant women with a cuff of correct width and with a standard cuffdoi:10.1590/S0080-62341996000100013Sonia Maria Junqueira V. de OliveiraRev Esc Enferm USP