Brushyourteeth Doctorsusuallyusethistechniquetobrushtheirteeth. Becausetheydon'tneedtoothpaste Thedoctorschatandbrushtheirteethafterdinnertomakea scene."Thetoothbrushiscleanandnotclean,"explainsProf. "It'sthecorrectwaytobrushyourteeth.Toothpasteisjust asupplement.".Infact,brushingteethwithwater,aslongas theco...
FIG. 2 is a side elevational view of the jaw and teeth of FIG. 1 being measured for a dental appliance using a wax bite impression technique; FIG. 3 is a side elevational view of the dental appliance of the invention worn by a patient requiring an intermediate correction due to a large...
We simply haven’t had it as part of our lives, so we’ve developed habits that don’t include it. If you were taught how to tap as a child and were instructed that it was just as important (or more!) as brushing your teeth, you’d have a different experience now. So the most ...