Huang, L.-S. (2011). Corpus-aided language learning. ELT Journal, 65(4), 481-484. doi:10.1093/elt/ccr031Huang, L.S. (2011). Corpus-aided language learning. ELT Journal, 65(4), 481-484.Huang, L. S. (2011). Corpus-aided language learning. ELT journal, 65(4), 1-4. http:/...
库(CorpusofContemporaryAmericanEnglish)的词块 模式进行对照,发现该教材的动词词块输入存在着 局限性。 一 、词块教学与英语教学 (一)词汇教学要以词块为单位 迄今,“词块”在国内外尚无一个统一的、明确的 定义。自1956年心理学家Miller提出chunking概 念以来.国外涌现出大量围绕这主题的研究,但所用 的术语各...
This research investigates three types of shifts in English-to-Chinese translation of prepositions, including P'P (parallel shift), P'P- (omissive shift), and P'X (transformative shift), across literary, expressive, operative text types using a corpus-analysis approach. The finding shows that ...
Of the 13 primary school students, 83.33% agreed that they learned how to pronounce the target sounds correctly, and 75% were able to identify their mispronounced sounds via the corpus-aided teaching method. The findings will not only provide pre-service teachers with examples of corpus-aided ...
A Corpus-based, Machine- Aided Mode of Translator Training: ClinkNotes and Beyond [J]. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 2011 (2): 269-291.Zhu,Chunshen,Hui Wang.A corpus-based,machine-aided mode of translatortraining:ClinkNotes and beyond.The Interpreter and Translator Trainer. 2011...
"Corpuslinguistics"or "Computer-aidedarmchairlinguistics"CharlesJ.FillmoreArmchairlinguisticsdoesnothavea goodnameinsomelinguisticscircles.Acaricatureofthearmchairlinguistissomethinglikethis.Hesitsina deepsoftcomfortablearmchair,withhiseyesclosedandhishandsclaspedbehindhishead.Onceina whileheopenshiseyes,sitsupabruptly...
摘要: CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Corpus linguistics' vs. 'computer-aided armchair linguistics关键词: CiteSeerX citations Corpus linguistics’ vs. ’computer-aided armchair linguistics C J Fillmore 会议时间: 1991 ...
into self-study of corpus-based analyses and computer-aided learning. We expect this work to provide a broader basis for the discussion of this dispersed... TJD Bothma,DJ Prinsloo,U Heid - 《Lexicographica》 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 STRUCTURING MUSIC BY MEANS OF AUDIO CLUSTERING AND GRAPH SEA...
Data-driven learning (DDL) has been proved successful in improving learners' English language skills (Chen and Flowerdew 2018; Larsen-Walker 2017; Gui et al. 2010; He 2010). This study investigates a relatively under researched aspect, i.e., whether corpus-aided DDL can help learners improve...
Huang, L.-S. (2011). Corpus-aided language learning. ELT Journal, 65(4), 481-484. doi:10.1093/elt/ccr031Huang, L.S. (2011). Corpus-aided language learning. ELT Journal, 65(4), 481-484.Huang, L. S. (2011). Corpus-aided language learning. ELT journal, 65(4), 1-4. http:/...