The meaning of CORPUS is the body of a human or animal especially when dead. How to use corpus in a sentence.
An artist’scorpusis their body of work, and in fact the wordcorpuscomes from the Latin word meaning “body.” (This Latin word appears in the well-known legal phrasehabeas corpus,meaning “(you may) have the body.”) More generally,corpusis used in English to refer to the main body,...
The meaning of CORPUS ALLATUM is one of a pair of separate or fused bodies in many insects that are sometimes closely associated with the corpora cardiaca and that secrete hormones (such as juvenile hormone).
History And The Corpus Approach: The Computer-aided Construction Of A Dictionary Of Historic TermsToday, there is a wealth of dictionaries to cater for those in need of help with the meaning of words. Indeed, although this was not always so, from the sixteenth century onwards writers of ...
18. Taking the word serve as an example and using CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpora) as a L2 corpus, this research makes a detailed analysis of the meaning of serve from all the aspects of extended unit of meaning, identifies the semantic characteristics of it in a L2, the similarities...
History and Meaning of Habeas Corpus Habeas Corpus is an ancient writ that has been an essential instrument for safeguarding individual liberty against arbitrary and lawless state action. It is a Latin term that translates to "you should have the body." The writ of habeas corpus dates back to...
This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage. ...
Define the writ of habeas corpus and its literal translation. Explore case examples, the writ's history, and how it is used within the United...
The above approaches only take into account the information from neighboring words in the sliding window, but the meaning of some words needs to be correctly labeled using long-distance contextual information in CWS. (Chen et al., 2015b) proposed a CWS model based on the long-short-term memo...
TempoWiC - An Evaluation Benchmark for Detecting Meaning Shift in Social Media - NER datasets WNUT 2016: Twitter NER - WNUT 2017: Emerging Entities dataset -