The corpus luteum is formed from the open follicle that released an egg during ovulation. Sometimes, the opening seals back up and fluid fills the cavity to form a cyst. This kind of cyst is known as a functional cyst. They are usually benign (not cancerous) and go away on their own....
A corpus luteum cyst can continue producing progesterone. This can last for up to three months when the cyst vanishes. Sometimes, these cysts can burst, causing bleeding into the abdominal cavity (hemoperitoneum). This is more likely and more dangerous in people on blood-thinner drugs. If you...
CORPUS luteumGOATSLUTEAL phaseAMP-activated protein kinasesPROTEIN expressionGOAT diseasesPROGESTERONE receptorsPROGESTERONEAdiponectin (APN) is an essential adipokine for a variety of reproductive processes. To investigate the role of APN in goat corpora lutea (CLs), CLs and sera from ...
Relaxin is a polypeptide hormone with structural similarities, both in amino acid sequence and at the DNA level, to insulin and insulin-like growth factors (1). Until recently it has been recognized...doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-3200-1_39Firyal S. Khan-DawoodSpringer New York...
[Luteal biology in the fox (Vulpes vulpes L.). Does the hypophysis interfere with the persistance of the corpus luteum after parturition?]. Fecal and blood concentration of estradiol-17尾(E2) and progesterone(P4) were measured in 2 female, adult Japanese red foxes (Vulpes vulpes japonica) kep...
Expression and distribution of cytokeratin 8/18 intermediate filaments in bovine antral follicles and corpus luteum: An intrinsic mechanism of resistance t... Apoptosis is a mechanism of cell elimination during follicular atresia and luteal regression. Recent evidence suggests sensitivity to apoptosis in ...
The corpus luteum (CL) undergoes dramatic morphological and functional changes throughout its lifespan. It initially develops from cells that remain in the follicle following ovulation. Eventually the mature CL is composed of multiple, distinctive cell types including steroidogenic cells (small and large...
(1995). Presence of the intermediate filaments cytokeratins and vimentin in the rat corpus luteum during luteal life-span. Histochem. Cell. Biol. 103, 237-242.Nilsson I, Mattsson MO, Selstam G: Presence of the intermediate filaments cytokeratins and vimentin in the rat corpus luteum during ...
Prostaglandins in the corpus luteum (CL) reportedly serve as luteotropic and luteolytic agents. Based mainly on studies conducted in domesticated animals and rodents, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is generally considered a luteotropic factor, whereas uterine-derived prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) initiates ...
Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) Is a Modulator of Human Luteal Cell Steroidogenesis: Localization of the IL Type I System in the Corpus Luteum1 The present investigation examined the effect of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) on progesterone production by human luteal cells and the expression and localizat...