Better understanding of corpus luteum is of importance for animal reproductive productivity. This paper reviewed briefly the status of studies on the histology of corpus luteum in mammals in estrous cycle, including origination, component, morphology, function, regression and resolving of corpus luteum ...
histologyThe aim of this investigation has been to examine which histological parameters are of value in the age determination of the corpus luteum of pregnancy. The material comprises representative ovarian biopsies from 16 women from the 10th through 42nd week of gestation. The following histological...
If conception doesn't take place, the corpus luteum begins to break down. This leads to a drop in progesterone and estrogen, which triggers menstruation, and the reproductive cycle starts over again. When the corpus luteum is no longer active, it turns into the corpus albicans.2 The Corpus ...
N. EDEY,1970: Histology of the corpus luteum in the ewe: changes during the estrus cycle and early pregnancy and in response to some experimental treatments. Am. J. Anat., 129, 439-447. Author's address: Prof. Dr. W. S. ABULFADLED, epartment of Obstetrics and Gynae-...
HISTOLOGY OF THE HUMAN CORPUS LUTEUM OF EARLY AND LATE PREGNANCYdoi:10.1111/j.1699-0463.1975.tb01396.xJakob VisfeldtJrgen StarupBlackwell Publishing Ltd
C. J. Thwaites , T. N. Edey . (1970) Histology of the corpus luteum in the ewe: Changes during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy, and in response to some experimental treatments. American Journal of Anatomy 129 :10.1002/aja.v129:4, 439-447 Online publication date: 1-Dec-1970. /...
Kulshreshtha SK (1970) Histology of the ovarioles and the role of nurse cells in Corpus luteum formation in Philosomia cynthia ricini (Boisd) (Saturniidae: Lepidoptera). J Nat Hist 4:189–197Kulshrestha SR (1970) Histology of the ovarioles and the role of nurse cells in corpus luteum ...