Biology of corpus luteum in small ruminants. Small Rumin Res 2002; 43:53-64.SANGHA, G. K.; SHARMA, R. K.; GURAYA, S. S. Biology of corpus luteum in small ruminants. Small Ruminant Reseach, v. 43, p. 53-64, 2002.SANGHA, G.K.; SHARMA, R.K.; GURAYA, S.S. Biology of ...
Define corpusculum. corpusculum synonyms, corpusculum pronunciation, corpusculum translation, English dictionary definition of corpusculum. n. 1. a. An unattached body cell, such as a blood or lymph cell. b. A rounded globular mass of cells, such as the
Define cystic corpus luteum. cystic corpus luteum synonyms, cystic corpus luteum pronunciation, cystic corpus luteum translation, English dictionary definition of cystic corpus luteum. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or having characteristics of a cyst. 2. Havi
Corpus luteum (CL) formation is a continuation of the follicular maturation process including cellular hypertrophy, hyperplasia and migration. It is formed by granulosa and theca interna cells along with endothelial cells, pericytes, smooth muscle cells, fibrocytes, macrophages, leucocytes and occasional ...
The corpus luteum (CL) is a transient endocrine organ formed from the remnants of a mature follicle after ovulation and secretes a major reproductive hormone, progesterone (P4; From: Reproductive Biology, 2021 About this pageSet alert Also in subject areas: Immunology and Microbiology Medicine and...
2. a corpus luteum containing a blood clot. 3. a blood clot formed in the cavity left by rupture of a graafian follicle. corpus lu´teum a yellow glandular mass in the ovary formed by an ovarian follicle that has matured and discharged its ovum; see also ovulation. corpus mammilla´...
Veith WJ 1974 Reproductive biology of Chamaeleo pumilus pumilus with special reference to the role of the corpus luteum and progesterone. Zoologica Africana 9 161-183.Veith, W.J., 1974. Reproductive biology of Chamaeleo pumilus pumilus with special reference to the role of the corpus luteum and...
Autophagy is associated with luteal cells death during regression of the corpus luteum (CL) in some species. However, the involvement of autophagy or the association between autophagy and apoptosis in CL regression are largely unknown. Therefore, we investigated the role of autophagy in CL regression...
The cyclic nature of the capillary bed in the corpus luteum offers a unique experimental model to examine the life cycle of endothelial cells, involving discrete physiologically regulated steps of angiogenesis, blood vessel maturation and blood vessel re
The corpus luteum is a unique organ, which is transitory in nature. The development, maintenance and regression of the corpus luteum are regulated by endocrine, paracrine and autocrine signaling events. Defining the specific mediators of luteal developme