Here, "lived body" ("corps v茅cu") or "body itself" ("corps propre") refer to a conscious experience of the body as possessing the power of action (Merleau-Ponty), as a bodily envelop (Anzieu), and finally as an interoceptive unity. We raise questions about the extent to which one...
Becoming Flesh: The Institution of the Body and Irreflexivity in Merleau-Ponty, Freud and Lacan. The author compares the institution of the body in the flesh and the institution of the body according to Freud's theory of secondary narcissism and Lacan's theory of the mirror stage. Reflexivity...
one can find a paThleading toward a phenomenology of the body that would not risk the "ambiguity of the flesh," as The Visible and the Invisible is often charged with, but instead would sustain the ontology of nature that one finds in the "Working Notes" added to Merleau-Ponty's last ...
Technics play here an essential role; it is not a mere modification of the original lived-body by an instrument in-hand, but rather the organisation of the body (as a power of action, furthermore as a sensibility) by the technics already-there.Khatchatourov, Arme...