While a corporation is treated as an individual, it can be owned by multiple shareholders. Shareholders are served by an elected board of directors, who oversee officers that handle the day-to-day running of the company. Limited liability Corporations are a popular business model because they pro...
The meaning of CORPORATION is a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild. How to use corporation in a sentence.
Unlike corporations treated as S corporations, a corporation may qualify as a C corporation without regard to any limit on the number of shareholders, foreign or domestic. The default rule is -- any corporation not properly filed as an S corporation will be treated as a C corporati...
Artificial entities that are created by state statute, and that are treated much like individuals under the law, having legally enforceable rights, the ability to acquire debt and to pay out profits, the ability to hold and transfer property, the ability to enter into contracts, the requirement...
The interests of each of these groups are furthered by restrictions on for-profit corporate electoral spending.In arguing that for-profit corporations should not be treated as identical to individuals and some non-profit corporations, this Article focuses on one type of speech by corporations - ...
In 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations can be treated as people, assigning companies First Amendment rights under the Constitution. So, it’s probably only a matter of time before a real person legally marries (and divorces) a corporation. And, we’re probably not too far ...
--Treated the same as reg (de jure) corp. EXCEPT in an action by the state for exceeding its powers; status of doctrine is unclear. Corporation by Estoppel (defective corp formation) One treating a business as a corporation may be estopped from denying its corporate status; can also be ...
an incorporated business owned by a few individuals who seldom sell their stock and so retain control. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Unlike corporations treated as S corporations,a corporation may qualify as a C corporation without regard to any limit on the number of shareholders,foreign or domestic.The default rule is -- any corporation not properly filed as an S corporation will be treated as a C corporation for the tax...
destroytheoneclassdesignation.)c.Shareholdersmustbeindividuals,trustscreatedbywill(for2yrs),ancertainothertrusts.d.Nonon-residentalienshareholderse.Numberofshareholderslimitedto100a)husbandandwifeare countedasoneshareholder,b)eachbeneficiaryofatrustisconsideredashareholder,c)allmembersofafamilymaybetreatedasone...