Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act now in forceRichard A. Wagner
A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TO THE NEW CANADA NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS ACT not-for-profit corporate law\nreform in the years ahead.\nThis article reviews the types of not-for-profit corporations to which the\nnew Act will apply, summarizes the rules differentiating soliciting and\nnon-soliciting...
it Corporations Act Soliciting and non-soliciting corporations under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations ActSoliciting and non-soliciting corporations under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations ActOliver Moore
2. town council, council, municipal authorities, civic authorities The local corporation has given permission for the work to proceed. Quotations"corporation: an ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility" [Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary] Collins Thesaurus of...
A New Statutory Framework For Federal Not-For-Profit Organizations.(Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act)(Canada Corporations Act)Boucher, Valerie
Pacific expansion for NSF International NSF International, a not-for-profit organization that certifies products and writing standards for food, water and consumer goods, has opened a new regional headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, to oversee its operations throughout the Asia... P Wallace - 《Food...
Candidates can be selected from all business sectors, including public companies, private companies, not-for-profit organizations, colleges, universities, and crown corporations. CEOs, members of boards of directors, financial analysts and other senior executives may nominate candidates for Canada's CFO...
Award Winners Sustainable Finance Awards 2025: Global And Country Winners Award Winners Sustainable Finance Awards 2025: Asia-Pacific Award Winners Sustainable Finance Awards 2025: Middle East Award Winners Sustainable Finance Awards 2025: North America...
Corporation (shared-governance):� Corporate entity without share capital (non-profit) for which Canada, either directly or through a Crown corporation, has a right to appoint or nominate one or more members to the governing body.Departmental agency:� Includes...
These provisions set forth procedural rules affecting the rights of "large corporations," as defined therein, to object and to appeal assessments and reassessments for tax by the Canada Revenue Agency (the "C.R.A."). In the Supreme Court of Canada Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, and Wi...