A corporation's articles or bylaws typically control the number of directors, the terms of the directors' service, and the directors' ability to change their number and terms. The shareholders' power of removal functions as a check on directors who may wish to act in a way that is contrary...
Not to give a financial benefit to a related party without shareholder approval (public companies only) Fiduciary duties under the general law including to act with a reasonable degree of care and diligence, in good faith and for a proper purpose, not to personally profit without disclosure an...
In order to see, one must be willing to look and to find the truth, and then act on that truth. Anything less is cowardice in the face of tyranny. Once eyes are open, it becomes ridiculously obvious that everything going on today is a calculated plot; one that has been active for ...
As corporate pushback against voting-related legislation in Georgia and other states gathers attention in America, new Ipsos polling shows that people are split along party lines on whether businesses should take a stand on political issues. But Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing: If a ...
Jerry Gonzalez, chief executive of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, compared the bills to the notorious voting restrictions that kept people of color from casting ballots in the South before the civil rights movement ushered in the Voting Rights Act in the 1960s. ...
Corporations’ Representatives. Any corporation being a Noteholder may by writing under the hand of one of its directors or its secretary or any president or vice-president authorise any person to act ...
On the other hand, when managers act in their own interest, the hierarchy is altered; hence, it will first address retained earnings, followed by the issue of new equity and finally using debt to avoid its disciplinary role. The tradeoff theory suggests that the trade-off between benefits ...
One option that's been pushed is to donate to a desired trade group or a similar 501(c)(6) intending to take part at the meetings this summer. These types of groups act as state and federal lobbying forces for industries that want to influence policy. ...
uals:a corporation may enter into contracts, by and sell property, etc. 2 a group of people, as the mayor and alder- of an incorporated town, legally authorized to act as an individual. 3 any of the political and economic bodies