businesses can deduct charitable contributions from their taxable income, which reduces their overall tax liability. These benefits can make corporate giving a financially beneficial strategy, in addition to being socially responsible.
“partial employees” of a firm, since they perform tasks that were traditionally accomplished only by service employees (Gong et al.2022). For instance, customers can share their favourable experiences with a company’s products or strategies online, activating “positive word of mouth”, or can...
"Do corporate sustainable management activities improve customer satisfaction, word of mouth intention and repurchase intention? Empirical evidence from the shipping industry", The International Journal of Logistics Management, 28.2, 555-570.Shin, Y., Thai, V. V., Grewal, D., & Kim, Y. (2017)...
time, resources are needed elsewhere in the small company than to make plans and documents. The actual family name, is their moral and their standing and inclusion in the comunity is their culture. The seal of approval from their neighbours, the word of mouth, is their sign of competence....
12 Our dataset of 372,946 filings does not allow us to manually verify each statement that contains a selected keyword. Instead, we generate n-grams consisting of two- to four-word combinations and manually inspect whether these n-grams reliably capture positive value statements linked to ...
Chelsea: I think, for us, we really relied on word of mouth in the beginning, and aggressively reaching out to every single person we’d ever met in our entire lives to kickstart and get things going. For us, I think, now, we employ a bunch of different things to get people through...
But they also interact with an impressive number of people totally disconnected to the corporation in form of family members, friends, former colleagues and many others. Hence they serve as the corporations most important brand ambassadors as the word-of-mouth can be extremely valuable and have ...
The Influences of Corporate Social Responsibility to Customer Repurchases Intentions, Customer Word-of-Mouth Intentions and Customer Perceived Food Quality... Market studies indicate that Hong Kong consumers are affluent and generally live a trendy, refined lifestyle. As such, besides traditional food ma...
Several methods have been developed to evaluate the experiences offered by the sector and to provide alternatives to formal means of customer feedback, such as the guest book, and informal means, such as word-of-mouth (WOM) recommendations passed orally between current and potential users. In th...
studies on cause-related marketing highlight the potential positive influence of customer involvement via customers’ choice of cause to enhance outcomes such as purchase intentions (Robinson et al.,2012), word-of-mouth (Christofi et al.,2020), participation intentions (Howie et al.,2018), and ...