There are many differing views about the equity and impact of the corporate income tax structure. Suggestions to reform or eliminate the corporate income tax have been made by various accounting, economic, political, and public groups. An investigation into the underlying effective rate structure of...
Empirical results indicate that the corporate ETRs of South African JSE-listed firms do not differ considerably from the corporate statutory tax rate. Although the findings show that more profitable and capital-intensive firms engage in tax strategies that result in lower ETRs, only a small portion...
The proposal would also raise the top individual tax rate to 39.6% from 37%, as part of a series of changes aimed at high income individuals that was estimated to raise approximately $1 trillion. The package also includes $80 billion more in additional funding for t...
This rate is 1.3% since 2019. The ACE not used in one fiscal year can be: • carried forward in future fiscal years; • transferred to the fiscal unit if the company is part of a tax group in a taxable income position; • transformed into tax credit to be offset against IRAP ...
Posted in Corporate income tax, Income tax, States, Taxation, tagged Corporate income tax, Income tax, States, Taxation on January 29, 2024| 2 Comments » The good news is that Louisiana voters recently voted to lower their state’s top income tax rate. The bad news is that Louisiana’...
Preferred securities can offer tax advantages Source: Bloomberg, as of 11/29/2024. Indexes represented are the Bloomberg US Corporate Bond Index (Investment Grade Corporates), Bloomberg US Corporate High-Yield Bond Index (High-Yield Corporates), and the ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index...
The main drivers behind the corporate financialization can be attributed to two primary factors: on the one hand, it is “capital arbitrage motivation”, that is, the allocation of financial assets with low liquidity is for profit-seeking purpose, so as to obtain excess return rate; On the ...
While the global default rate rose, credit quality continued to improve, with more upgrades than downgrades in 2022. Even so, the upgrade rate fell to 8.3% while the downgrade rate rose to 6.2% year over year (see table 6). Table 6 Sum...
In addition, the incentive to supply labor would be altered by changes in wages and thus affect welfare. When assuming budget neutrality, we find that on average, the CCCTB would yield a slight increase in the corporate income tax (CIT) rates in the EU, marginally affecting the incentives ...
Before China enacted the uniform version of the Corporate Income Tax Law in 2008, domestic firms were subject to a corporate tax rate of 33% (Li, 2007). At that time, the central government implemented preferential tax policies in specific regions and industries to balance the level of develop...