Higher rate applies to certain profit related interest. Specific conditions apply for higher rate. The United Kingdom considers its tax treaties with Belarus and Russia to remain in force and has stated its intention to continue to comply with their terms, despite receiving notification from Belarus...
Standard Chartered is a leading international cross-border bank connecting the world's most dynamic markets.
Accordingly, from the assessment year, 2018 -2019 onwards, a profits tax rate of 8.25% will be charged on assessable profits of up to $2 million. Notably, this is half of the standard rate specified for corporations. Correspondingly, unincorporated entities such as partnerships and sole ...
MALAYSIATAX incentivesTAX exemptionTAX ratesREINVESTMENTBUSINESS taxAn incentivised firm that pays low tax may not be engaging in fraudulent management, as generally assumed. However, it could have been due to tax avoidance strategies observed through reduced or lowered Effectiv...
According to the capital structure theory, the value of a firm increases if the capital structure includes a high amount of debt due to the tax benefits afforded by the debt [24]. The authors believe that if the neutrality theory is contested, two competing theories must be considered while ...
In a sample of 1.2M observations from the population of coiporate tax returns, only 37% of eligible firms claim their refund. A simple cost-benefit analysis of the tax loss choice cannot explain low take-up, which motivates an investigation of how tax complexity alters this calculation. A ...
The effective tax rate was 14.3%, which was lower than the standard tax rates mainly due to more profits generated by the Company's subsidiaries that are qualified for the preferential PRC high-tech enterprise CIT tax rate of 15%. The PRC dividend withholding tax of HK$70.1 million was ...
The holidays take the form of an exemption from CIT for a certain period beginning immediately after the enterprise first makes profits from the incentivised activities, followed by a period where tax is charged at 50% of the applicable rate. However, where an enterprise has not derived taxable...
In 2021, the Group's income tax was RMB115.387 million, representing a YoY increase of 33.0% (2020: RMB86.732 million). The Group's effective income tax rate was 9.2%, representing a YoY increase of 0.8% (2020: 8.4%). The increase in income tax was mainly due to the income tax ...
(1.5%) 0.3% ––– 20,152 0.3% 0.3% Profit before taxation Income tax expense 632,769 (71,462) 6.8% (0.8%) 7.2% (0.8%) 524,587 (114,754) 7.7% (1.7%) 8.0% (1.7%) Profit for the year Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Company 561,307 565,567 6.1% 6.1% ...