We also observe that the relationship between tax avoidance and trade credit is more salient for a sub-sample of firms with: (i) more information asymmetry; and (ii) more financing constraints. These findings remain robust to a battery of sensitivity analyses and endogeneity concerns. In an ...
K. Clausing The Impact of Transfer Pricing on Intrafirm Trade (1998) J.H. Collins et al. Foreign tax credit limitations and preferred stock issuances Journal of Accounting Research (1992) Transfer Pricing at-a-Glance Guide (2000) M.S. Feldstein Tax Avoidance and the Deadweight Loss of the ...
Thus, the optimal decision is based on the trade-off between corporate and shareholder tax savings. In addition to creating tax savings for either firms or shareholders, the choice between the two tax incentives may also affect firms’ reported earnings. Firms that choose a corporate 5-year tax...
Other corporate tax changes aim to prevent corporations from avoiding dividend treatment for shareholders through certain property transfers, limit tax avoidance via leveraging in divisive reorganisations, restrict losses in liquidation transactions, and prevent basis shifting among related parties through ...
Cultural Diversity and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Chinese Private Enterprises Article 1Introduction In this paper, we study the relationship between corporate culture and corporate tax planning. While research on the determinants of tax planning is a mature topic in the accounting literature,...
If, however, the supplier is an associate of the corporation and is not subject to Hong Kong tax, there is a risk that the interest payable will not be deductible. However, a possible argument exists if the interest paid on the credit agreement is effectively ...
or society in general. These practices might include violating social norms and rules (e.g., tax avoidance, bribery), violating human rights or employment conditions (e.g., child labor, long working hours), and polluting the environment (e.g., oil spill). All such practices constitute corp...
If, however, the supplier is an associate of the corporation and is not subject to Hong Kong tax, there is a risk that the interest payable will not be deductible. However, a possible argument exists if the interest paid on the credit agreement is effectively p...
The location and magnitude of foreign direct investment respond to tax rate differences, as does international tax avoidance through financial and other means. But in spite of growing knowledge of the effect of taxation on corporate activity, it is still not known whether owners of corporations or...
Using a cash effective tax rate (i.e., a cash tax paid over a pre-tax book income before special items) as a measure of corporate tax avoidance (Dyreng, Hanlon, & Maydew, 2008; Koester, Shevlin, & Wangerin, 2017), we find a positive and statistically significant relationship between as...