We intensified efforts to control new risks and resolve old ones, vigorously promoted risk resolution in key areas, and strengthened management of problematic assets. We adhered to targeted governance, and made solid progress in the establishment of "five systems", i.e., compliance management ...
Through the activities of these subcommittees, we continue to promote business activities that further ensure compliance and contribute to the resolution of the material issues (Materiality) related to stakeholders, while aiming for sustainable development of both society and our Group from an ESG persp...
Proactively responding to the risks and challenges due to increasing unstable and uncertain factors, we strengthened the construction of a comprehensive risk management system, and enhanced the risk scanning and alert and foresighted resolution. We optimized the credit risk management mechanism, ...
Our board has not delegated such duties to the nomination and compensation committee for the following reasons: first, any resolution on remuneration may not be submitted to the board for approval unless it has already been considered by the nomination and compensation committee; second, according ...
In addition, large-sized boards lessen the firm’s value because of the cost related to resolution of conflicts and coordination of communication flows [39]. On the other hand, large-sized boards have more experience, knowledge, and support [40]. However, the majority of the studies found a...
C6 is “The company exposes the results of the resolution of the audit committee on the major proposals and the degree of disclosure of the company’s handling,” which indicates the critical role of the audit committee. Previous research [18,59,64] concluded that audit committee independence ...
European Parliament Resolution of 13 March 2007 Corporate Social Responsibility: a New Partnership (2006/2133(INI) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?Type=TA&Reference=p6-TA-2007-0062&language=EN at 30 September 2008. 144. Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe, ‘Corporate ...
CCB has implemented regulatory policy requirements, and developed a special programme to solve major problems in complaints to promote the resolution of 15 priority issues, thereby resolving customer problems with dedication, empathy, and effort. CCB has consistently placed the greatest emphasis on ...
Generally, banks will ask you to provide information and documents about your company, includingthe registered name,the nature of your business,business plan,proof of business address,board resolution, andcompany incorporation documents. For example, you should prepare the following whenopening a corpor...
They already have a relatively large customer base, expertise in data capture, remittance processing, dispute resolution, disbursement, and reconciliation. Some are in the data analytics and artificial intelligence vanguard. In addition, they can leverage their credit products and skills and offer ...