ipserocsetsastleadst) year, optimization of corporate banking process was launched this year, and inter-region centralized processing of business, remote authorization and supervision center pilot reform were commenced, thereby continuously enhancing customer service efficiency and intensifying management ...
Cooperation with stakeholders, such as service providers and recyclers, and partnerships with research institutes as well as public-private initiatives should help to meet this challenge, for example, through the development of innovative technologies. In this context, it is repeatedly emphasized that a...
Most of the manufacturing properties have production lines, warehouses, offices and field processing areas. Our more than 5,900 regular associates form the heart and soul of our company, making our GroMoreGood vision a reality by delivering products and solutions that help you create beautiful ...
New service teams as information-processing systems: Reducing innovative uncertainty. J. Serv. Res. 2000, 3, 46–65. [CrossRef] 120. Jensen, R.; Szulanski, G. Stickiness and the adaptation of organizational practices in cross-border knowledge transfers. J. Int. Bus. Stud. 2004, 35, 508...
Thus, we argue the importance of not only examining entropy on corporate entrepreneurship but also including relevant capabilities such as information−processing type capacities. The novelty and relevance of our paper related to the field consist in the fact that, as far as we know, it is one...
(s++,setTimeout(function(){e().done(r.resolve).fail(r.reject)},50)):r.reject(n,i),r.promise()})},e().then(function(n,t,i){return i},function(n){return a(n,i)})}n.awa.logger.logError("jQuery is not defined, cannot use service module")};return{...