Carroll,Archie B.and Frank Hoy.Integrating corporatesocial policy into strategic management.Journal of BusinessStrategy. 1984Carroll Archie B,Frank Hoy. Integrating corporate social policy into strategic management[J].Joumal of Business Strategy 1984,4(03)....
a group wide corporate policy commitment to transparency in the way that EITI-signatory extractive companies have done. 中国公司在有法律法规强制规定的国家会严 格按照要求进行披露,但是与签署‘采掘业透 明度行动倡议’的公司不同,此类披露并不会 被采纳作为中国公司广泛应用的企业 透明 度政 策...
Corporate Governance of Strategic managementCorporate governance What is Corporate Governance? The set of mechanisms used to manage the relationship among stakeholders and to determine and control the strategic direction and performance of organization. At its core, corporate governance is concerned with ...
网络释义 1. 企业战略管理 临沂大学... ... 组织行为学 Organizational Behavior企业战略管理Corporate Strategic Management商务英语 Business English ...|基于40个网页 2. 公司战略管理 华南农业大学广东农业发展研究中心 ... 教育经历( Education)公司战略管理(Corporate Strategic Management) ...
strategic management,which not only clarifies the misunderstanding existed in the theoretical aspects,but also provides guidances for government and enterprises developing and implementing norms and measures relating to corporate governance,internal control and risk management and support for internal control ...
(3) Information Technology Infrastructure Library Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two [previous page] [next page] Note: due to the exam policy, changes of the information provided above is only for reference, if any, please by the authoritative department released ...
In the paper an information aspect of corporate governance and strategic management is considered. Relying on analysis of merits and limitations of current developments the concept of performance management information support system and the appropriate modeling approach are proposed. Finally, the possibiliti...
1.1Whydowestudycorporationstrategic management India’sTataSteelyesterdaypredictedcostsavingsupto$350mannuallyafteritwonthebattleforcontrolofAnglo-DutchsteelmakerCorus,witha£6.7bnbidthatwillmakeittheworld’sfifthlargeststeel-maker.Aftermorethaneighthoursofhead-to-headbiddinginLondonagainstCompanhiaSiderúrgica...
我国上市公司股利政策有效性实证研究28~35刘银国Authentive Research of the effectiveness of Chinese Listed Companies’ Dividend Policy LIU Yin-guo 金字塔结构控制与公司价值——来自于中国资本市场的经验证据36~47毛世平吴敬学 Pyramidal Structure Control and Company Value MAO Shi-ping, WU Jing-xue 绩效管理...