The meaning of CORPORATE is formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an individual : incorporated. How to use corporate in a sentence.
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
Learn these words that derive from the Latin word corpus, meaning "body." Want to dissect more English words related to anatomy? Here are links to our complete set of Body Language lists: Corp ("Body") / Capit, Capt ("Head") / Or, Os ("Mouth") / Dent, Dont ("Tooth") / Gastr...
corporate meaning, definition, what is corporate: belonging to or relating to a corporatio...: Learn more.
The meaning of BODY CORPORATE is corporation.
corporate的趨勢 根據調整。Ngrams可能不可靠。 分享「corporate」 翻譯由AI生成。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning ofcorporate 廣告 想要移除廣告嗎?登入查看更少的廣告並成為會員以移除所有廣告。 想要移除廣告嗎?登入查看更少的廣告並成為會員以移除所有廣告。
Add meaning to to your wellbeing program by incorporating charitable giving. Donate in the app Integrate with your preferred peer-to-peer fundraising platform, or use one of our established partners. Share meaningful content Upload videos, articles or posts to educate users on your charitable ...
con·cor po·ra tionnoun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofconcorporate1 1375–1425;late Middle English<Latinconcorporātus(past participle ofconcorporāreto unite in one body).Seecon-,corporate Word of the Day [pet-ri-kawr] ...
Updated: February 6, 2023 Share: There are many ways to claim back an amount of money that is owed. However, when a business wants to claim back money that is owed to them by another business, then it can file for a corporate lien. ...
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