Our study has limitations of scope in that (1) the literature on readability of corporate reports in Jordan is almost non-existent, (2) few studies exist on readability and firm performance in emerging markets, and (3) this study was conducted in a Jordanian context, and no law regulates ...
In recent years, interest in corporate purpose has gained momentum among both practitioners and academic researchers. Despite this, the construct of corpor
Compliance training is typically a formal program that is focused on company policies or rules that enable employees and employers to prevent both problems in the workplace and violations of the law. These policies and procedures are usually job- or industry-specific. Location can also influence ...
If you do not have enough time, our study material is really a good choice. In the process of your learning, our study materials can also improve your efficiency. If you don't have enough time to learn, BA4 test guide will make the best use of your spare time, and the scattered ...
Mr Guo received a Bachelor of Law degree from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in 1996. Mr Guo currently serves as a director of a subsidiary of the Company. Xi Dan, age 45, Senior Vice President, joined the Company in 2002 and has been responsible for overseeing the Company's ...
Note: This table aims to provide an impression of the broad scope of the CLR process, most of which lies outside the remit of the current study. See footnote 22 in this chapter. It has been produced by the authors of the report. Shareholder Primacy in UK Corporate Law: An Exploration ...
Environmental, Social and Governance Report 3.1 Employment with compliance and equality Snibe fully protects the rights and interests of employees, and strictly abides by laws and regulations such as theLabor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic ...
Our business requires us to comply with various environmental laws and regulations, including but not limited to "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" 《( 中華人民共和國環境保 護法》), "Energy Conversation Law of the People's Republic of China" 《( 中華人民共和 國...
Because studying determinants of enforcement exceeds my scope, I address the issue in two ways. First, I focus on the early years of the Convention when companies likely had limited observations of past law enforcement to expect biases. Second, within this narrow time-frame I investigate whether...
We introduce the topic of this Special Issue on the “Role of Financial and Legal Institutions in International Governance”, with a particular emphasis on a notion of “international mobility of corporate governance”. Our discussion places the Special Issue at the intersection of law, finance, an...