fears about climate change and other serious environmental problems said to be at least partially created by businesses; and the rise of anticorporate activism some- times directed at specific companies and sometimes at policies of powerful global institutions such as the World Trade Organization, the...
The ESRC's total budget for 2013/14 is £212 million. At any one time it supports over 4,000 researchers and postgraduate students in academic institutions and independent research institutes. The ESRC's research makes a difference: it shapes public policies and makes businesses, voluntary ...
Corporate governance refers to the set of rules, principles, systems and procedures which make sure that a company is managed and controlled in the best possible manner safeguarding the interest of the stakeholders of the company such as customers, financial institutions, government, suppliers, managem...
This separation of disciplines and practice has influenced the development of institutions at the international level [65]. Many of these institutions have developed over the last century and they include the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR), the UN Human Rights Council,...
As a conglomerate of various institutions, agencies and organs of government, the US Corporation does interpenetrate every major corporate entity in the USA. The revolving door between all the major corporations and the government sector is well known and well documented. With the beginning of each...
this article heeds to calls for more research on the impact of informal institutions and phenomena on business management and strategy in Africa (George et al.,2016; Nkomo, Zoogah, & Acquaah,2015; Zoogah et al.,2015). In doing so, it extends the theory of CPA ethicality and generates ...