Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)’s Corporate Governance Policy 2016 (BNM CG Policy) Main Market Listing Requirements (MMLR) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Bursa Malaysia) Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2017 (MCCG) published by the Securities Commission ...
(AML) risks by taking into account the customer base, geographic locations, products offered and any other parameters that contributes to AML risks. These control measures safeguards RHB Bank, customers, vendors and RHB employees and help to minimize risk. In line with Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)...
The SC aims to establish a company-wide sustainability governance structure; embed sustainability in business practices; develop, review, endorse, execute, and oversee corporate sustainability strategies, frameworks, guidelines, and policies; translate sustainability commitments, strategies, and guidelines into...
Reference Requests from Hiring Financial Institutions Hiring Financial Institutions under BNM’s Employee Screening Policy requiring employment references from Bank of America Malaysia Berhad, should complete Part A of the Reference Document and send it to