《Corporate governance》.pdf,Working Paper Series WP 2003-01 Corporate Governance, Corporate Ownership, and the Role of Institutional Investors: A Global Perspective Stuart L. Gillan and Laura T. Starks /ccg/ Corporate Governance, Corporate Ownership, an
欧盟绿皮书《Corporate-governance-in-financial-institutions-and-remuneration-policies》.pdf,EN EN EN EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 2.6.2010 COM(2010) 284 final GREEN PAPER Corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies {COM(2010)
CorporateGovernance,Incentives,andTaxAvoidance ChristopherS.Armstrong TheWhartonSchool UniversityofPennsylvania carms@wharton.upenn.edu JenniferL.Blouin * TheWhartonSchool UniversityofPennsylvania blouin@wharton.upenn.edu AlanD.Jagolinzer LeedsSchoolofBusiness UniversityofColorado jagolinzer@colorado.edu DavidF.Lar...
As its basic policy on corporate governance structure, AGC clearly separates the functions of "oversight" and "execution" of management, aiming to reinforce the management oversight function while ensuring quick decision-making in management execution. The management oversight function is mainly shouldered...
公司治理实务守则CorporateGovernanceRegulations.pdf,开曼英利工业股份有限公司 公司治理实务守则 第一章 总则 第 1 条 (立法目的 ) 为建立良好之公司治理制度, 爰参酌台湾证券交易所股份有限公司 (以下简称证 券交易所 ) 及财团法人中华民国证券柜台买卖中心 (以下简称
corporate governance in the asian financial crisis:亚洲金融危机中的公司治理 热度: 开曼英利工业股份有限公司 公司治理实务守则 第一章总则 第1条(立法目的) 为建立良好之公司治理制度,爰参酌台湾证券交易所股份有限公司(以下简称证 券交易所)及财团法人中华民国证券柜台买卖中心(以下简称柜台买卖中心)共 ...
上市公司治理准则 CodeofCorporateGovernancefor ListedCompanies 第一章 总则 Chapter1.GeneralPrinciples 第一条 为规范上市公司运作,提升上市公司治理水平,保护投资者合法权益, 促进我国资本市场稳定健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公 司法》)、《中华人民共和国证券法》及相关法律、行政法规等确定的...
III. Governance: Empirical Relationships A. Summary Statistics Table V gives summary statistics and correlations for G (and subindices) with a set of firm characteristics as of September 1990: book-to-market ratio, firm size, share price, monthly trading volume, Tobin’s Q, dividend yield, ...
the oecd principles of corporate governance经合组织公司治理原则.pdf,1 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Introduction Corporate Governance in its most simplified iteration refers to the manner in which corporate bodies are managed and operated. Until the latter part o
Corporate governance, incentives, and tax avoidance英文文献资料.pdf,Journal of Accounting and Economics 60 (2015) 1 –17 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Accounting and Economics journal homepage: /locate/jae Corporate governance, inc