答案解析: The correct answer is: Directed and controlled. The management and reduction of risk is fundamental in all definitions of good governance. 统计:共计13人答过,平均正确率46.15% 问题:进入高顿部落发帖帮助相似题型热门网课更多>> 论坛精华更多>> 题库APP下载更多>> 关注我们 微信号:gaodun...
Corporate governance is defined as the system by which corporations are directed and controlled. Control of a corporation has both micro and macro aspects. The micro aspects include the management of operations, production, human resources, finance, and marketing. These aspects are covered by organiza...
Understanding corporate governance: definition in business At its simplest, corporate governance is defined as the structure of customs, processes, practices, policies, and rules that affect the way people direct, administer, and manage a corporation. It’s a commitment to ensure that accountability,...
Corporate governance is defined as the method by which a company is directed and controlled. It relates to the formal interface between the board of directors and the owners of the company. It also determines the relationship between other stakeholders and the company. Corporate governance is a ...
Corporate governance can be defined as( ) A. the economic,legal,and institutional framework in which corporate control and cash flow rights are distributed among shareholders,managers and other stakeholders of the company. B. the general framework in which company management is selected and ...
Corporate governance: can be defined as “the system of internal controls and procedures by which individual companies are managed. describe a company’s stakeholder groups and compare interests of stakeholder groups; There is evidence that some movement toward globalconvergenceof corporate governance syst...
Corporate governance (CG) is generally defined as a set of mechanisms by which outside investors can protect themselves against expropriation by insiders (La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, & Vishny, 2000). It also describes the structure of stakeholders' rights and responsibilities (Aguilera &...
1Corporate governance can be defined as: a)the economic, legal, and institutional framework in which corporate control and cash flowrights are distributed among shareholders, managers and other stakeholders of the company b)the general framework in which company management is selected and monitored c...
Good governance ensures a company's integrity, overall direction,risk managementand success planning. This, in turn, helps companies stay financially viable and build strong community, shareholder and investor relations and trust. Demonstrating good corporate governance is often considered as important as...
Corporate governanceis the arrangement of checks, balances, and incentives a company needs tominimize and manage the conflicting interests between insiders and external shareholders. An amendment to corporate bylaws would normally take place during an EGM(extraordinary general meeting), which covers signifi...