个人金融 Personal Finance 个人财务规划通常包括分析个人或家庭当前的财务状况,预测短期和长期需求,并在个人财务限制范围内执行满足这些需求的计划。个人理财在很大程度上取决于一个人的收入、生活要求以及个人的目标和欲望。 个人理财事项包括但不限于出于个人原因购买金融产品,如信用卡;人寿、健康、家庭保险;抵押贷款;和...
1.管理层自由裁量权(managerial discretion) 交易成本理论(transaction cost theory)将企业看作一种治理结构(governance structure),代理理论(Agency theory)将企业看作契约集合(nexus of contracts). 二者在行为学假设(behavioral assumptions)上是相同的。有限理性(bounded rationality)和机会主义(opportunism)。都假设是风...
Effective corporate governance applications are indispensable component of proper functioning of finance sector and the economy on the whole. In this study, firstly the extent to which financial institutions traded on the ISE National 100 Index comply with corporate governance principles published by the...
释义corporate governance corporate governance发音 意思翻译 公司治理;企业管治,企业治理;公司管治 n.泛指公司高层在经营管理、行为方式上的道德标准和透明度。 相似词语短语 corporate finance───公司金融;公司理财;公司融资 comparative governments───比较政府 ...
corporate finance and corporate governance [译]公司财务与公司治理 该结果仅供参考 百度翻译 公司财务与公司治理 全部展开全部关闭 网络释义 1.公司财务与公司治理 例句 1.At the heart of the renewed debate are three issues: finance, corporate governance, and taxation.再度引发辩论的核心问题有三...
and investment distortions, taking into account endogeneity of governance and disentangling the directions of causality in the effects.;The first essay examines the effect of analyst following and media as potential mechanisms of monitoring and managerial discipline. The role of analyst following as an ...
包括两大主流—第一是投资(Investment),第二是公司财务(Corpo-rate Finance)或称公司治理(Corporate Governance)。投资学主要是探讨金融市场和金融资产(包括股票、债券、期权和期货)的定价模式。……公司财务主要是探讨公司实物投资与财务运...
A combined treatment of corporate finance and corporate governance is herein proposed. Debt and equity are treated not mainly as alternative financial instruments, but rather as alternative governance structures. Debt governance works mainly out of rules, while equity governance allows much greater discret...
Recent trends in corporate governance most likely include: A、 focusing on the corporate governance system’s responsibility to maximize shareholder value. B、 expanding the scope to consider the interests of employees, customers, and suppliers. ...