Cost of capitalCorporate governance indexPurpose - This article aims to investigate the impact of corporate governance (CG) mechanisms on cost of capital (COC) in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Design/methodology/approach - Companies from 34 OECD countries ...
The authors examine a sample of large Australian companies over a 10-year period with the aim of analyzing the role that firm-level corporate governance mechanisms such as insider ownership and independent boards play in explaining a company's cost of capital. The Australian corporate system offers...
1992年12月,英国卡德伯瑞委员会发布了第一部具有广泛影响力的公司治理原则文献—《公司治理的财务侧面》 [The Finance Aspects of Corporate Governance)。[21]它在贡献了一个简洁明了的公司治理概念—“公司治理是公司被管理及控制的一套...
Corporate Governance A principal-agent relationship (or agency relationship) entails a principal hiring an agent to perform a particular task or service. In a company, both the board of directors and management act in agent capacity to represent the interests of shareholder principals. ...
Existing research suggests that external governance is more relevant than internal governance in affecting a firm's value. We contribute to the literature by explicitly examining the interactive role played by country-level financial development and legal institutions in influencing the impact of firm-lev...
READING 27 INTRODUCTION TO CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND OTHER ESG CONSIDERATIONS( 原 READING 31. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND ESG: AN INTRODUCTION)章节名称更换。 READING 28. USES OF CAPITAL,(原 Reading 32: Capital Budgeting) (1)资本预算原则整合进新考纲 describe the capital allocation process and basic princ...
六、Corporate Finance:TheCorporate Governance of listed Companies: a Manual for Investors 上市公司管理 近年来,一些大公司的倒闭和相关投资者的失误,让企业管理成为投资界的热门话题。这在CFA的考试大纲中也得以反应。这门课包含了内部控制,它告诉我们,一个企业大致是怎样被管理的。同样你也会了解到一些很实用的...
Capital Structure and Investment Behaviour of Malaysian Firms in the 1990s: a study of corporate governance before the crisis This is an empirical study analysing the corporate finance and governance structure in Malaysia before and after the financial crisis of 1997, utilising th......
765 The Cost of Debt Capital and Corporate Governance Practices 1. Introduction This study examines the association between the cost of debt capital and corporate governance practices in Korea. Although one of the key factors that contributed to the 1997 financial crisis in Korea was the heavy ...