主要研究领域为公司金融、金融稳定。曾于国际知名期刊Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Research等发表论文。在东北财经大学为本科生讲授证券投资学、国际金融课程,并为硕士生与博士生讲授公司金融课程。 展开 课程章节 1Lecture 1-Introduction to Corporate Finance...
主要研究领域为公司金融、金融稳定。曾于国际知名期刊Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Research等发表论文。在东北财经大学为本科生讲授证券投资学、国际金融课程,并为硕士生与博士生讲授公司金融课程。 展开 课程章节 1Lecture 1-Introduction to Corporate Finance...
主要研究领域为公司金融、金融稳定。曾于国际知名期刊Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Research等发表论文。在东北财经大学为本科生讲授证券投资学、国际金融课程,并为硕士生与博士生讲授公司金融课程。 展开 课程章节 1Lecture 1-Introduction to Corporate Finance...
Introduction to Corporate Finance CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Corporate Finance Outline What is Corporate Finance? The Role of Financial Managers Goals of the Corporate Firm What is Corporate Finance? 1. What long-term investments should the firm engage in? (Investment Policy) ...
Lecture in Chinese Course Description:This curriculum is a middle-level corporate finance set up for postgraduate students. The main content includes: Asset valuation, investment decision-making, financing instruments and strategies, capital structure, dividend policy, long-term financial plan, short-term...
Financial Analysis Corporate Finance 1 Course Outline Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Topic Introduction, Terms and Definitions Balance Sheet and P&L Long-term Financing Short-term Financing Ratio Analysis: Liquidity Ratio Analysis: Solvency Ratio Analysis: Profitability Limitations to Financial Analysis 11...
2. 至于Video,lecture Notes,Text,整理如下:https://sjtueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/chendonghp_sjtu_edu_cn/En1a6awOVVRAqeMcwKcdWJwBlwh0VIbVZdodPgBQxweqaw?e=wDRQVg3. 后续可以学习Corporate Finance Strategy-Advanced Corporate Finance(国外Corporate Finance一般分为两学期来教的,第一...
Lecture 1 (Chapter 1) Introduction to Corporate Finance McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2010 by the McGraw-Hill Companies‚ Inc. All rights reserved. 会计循环 会计循环过程 原始凭证 记账凭证 记账 过账结算 试算平衡 报表编制 总账 分类账 明细账 基本原则:账证相符、账账相符、账表相符、账实相符 ...
主要研究领域为公司金融、金融稳定。曾于国际知名期刊Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Research等发表论文。在东北财经大学为本科生讲授证券投资学、国际金融课程,并为硕士生与博士生讲授公司金融课程。 展开 课程章节 1Lecture 1-Introduction to Corporate Finance...