The U.S. Chamber of Commerce agrees with the spirit of the European Union’s (“EU”) Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (“CS3D”) Directive (“Directive”), which seeks to improve the efficiency, resilience, and long-term sustainability of global supply chains. ...
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D or the Directive) is a significant piece of legislation as it mandates obligations on in-scope “companies” to enhance the protection of the environment and human rights both within the EU and globally through ...
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) - Policy Alert download Share this page: Contact us Get in touch with our experts to discover how our experienced teams across the world can meet your sustainability and environmental needs. *Name *Company *Email How can we help?
Snapshot Find here more details to inform your approach View now On March 15, 2024, the EU Council finally voted in favor of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or CS3D). The core of the compromise agreement reached in December 2023 remains intact, meaning that compa...
Following initiatives such as the 1.5-degree Celsius goal for limiting global warming, established by theParis Agreement, the European Union has passed legislation to further those goals — theCorporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive(CS3D). Proposed on February 23, 2022,...
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence in Groups of CompaniesCorporate Sustainability Due Diligence DirectiveThe new proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive will require that certain parent companies must conduct due diligence in their subsidiarSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The European Commission (EC) has published the proposal for an EU Sustainable Corporate Due Diligence Directive, a long-awaited and long-debated piece of legislation that will bring forward obligations for companies to carry out due diligence ...
value chain sustainability due diligence. For more information on the CSDDD, please see our previous client alerts “Proposed EU corporate sustainability due diligence directive: what US companies need to know” and “European Commission proposal for t...
2022年2月,欧盟委员会提出了《公司可持续发展尽职调查指令(Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive,CSDDD)》草案,计划以法律的形式将欧盟大型企业消除供应链违反人权和破坏环境行为的责任明确下来。 企业运营依赖复杂的商业生态环境,对于大型跨国公司来说,还需要全球化的供应链为支撑。
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is a major piece of EU legislation that will require EU and non-EU companies to conduct environmental and human rights due diligence across their operations, subsidiaries and value chains. Under the pro...