Though studies have examined the impact of ownership structure on the extent of voluntary disclosure, there is still a need to investigate the issue in the Pacific Island countries, such as Fiji. The ownership structure of the companies in Fiji is highly concentrated. This paper examines the ...
This article is based on the theme 'sustainable corporate governance - testing new mechanisms' and in particular 'the audit committee as a mechanism of sustainable corporate governance in private sector corporations namely the listed public companies in Fiji'. The advent of these independent audit ...
GREVESGROUP®is a professional Brand Protection and Corporate Risk Protection company providing comprehensive investigative and intelligence services to clients globally. We serve our services to Fortune 500 Companies, Legal Sector, Insurance Companies, Corporations, Fraud Examiners, In-House Counsels, Finan...
Companies making certain payments are required to withhold income taxes using the following rates, based on those treaties. RecipientWHT (%) DividendsInterest (11)Royalties (2) PortfolioSubstantial holdings (1) Japanese corporations 20 0 0/20 (4) 0 Resident individuals 20 20 0/20 (4) 0 Foreig...
Exempt if received by the government or a financial institution, received from and paid by a company (other than a partnership), or paid in respect of a loan, debt-claim, or credit that is guaranteed or insured by the government.
The Impact of Ownership Structure on Voluntary Corporate Disclosure in Annual Reports: Evidence from Fiji The extent of voluntary corporate disclosure by companies in annual reports in recent years has increased due to various factors. A number of prior studies... I Khan,PV Chand,A Patel - 《Ac...
j&l's corporate gifting service make your mark, show your style click here to learn more become a j&l institutional partner. be a j&l earth care champion and add to your companies' social and environmental impact by adding us as our csr partner. click to know more celebrate womanhood ...
Sung-In Shin 02-34062100 Visit WebsiteKPR & Associates, Inc. 1989 $10 million - $50 million 100 - 250 300+ 92 L 3M Korea, Airbus, AmorePacific, Boehringer Ingelheim, CA Technologies Korea, CJ Cheil Jedang Beksul Oligosacharides, Doosan Tower, Dow Corning, FIJI Water, Fuji Xerox, Gore...
In this Circular, the following definitions apply throughout unless otherwise stated. "CDP": The Central Depository (Pte) Limited. "Companies Act": The Companies Act, Chapter 50 of Singapore. "Company" or "F&N": Fraser and Neave, Limited. "Directors": The directors of the Company for the ...
20% WHT applies to all payments to companies located in tax havens. Goods/securities acquired at market prices are exempt. Payments to residents of DTT countries are not subject to WHT, provided the non-resident does not have a PE in Latvia and a residence certificate is available. ...