Corporate governance is developing rapidly in many countries across the world. In this paper we analyse the existing state of corporate governance in a country in the Middle East: Bahrain. We employ a survey methodology, with a questionnaire being sent to all of the companies listed on the ...
Why Over1000Companies Trust Us Formation Services frequently asked questions Key Link Consulting is an integrated Business Consultancy operating in Bahrain and serving small, medium, and large business firms and individual investors What are the types of business entities I can establish in Bahrain?
Corporate Culture and Performance: A Study of Firms in Bahrain Although the extant literature widely recognizes the impact of corporate culture on performance, such findings are either speculative or mostly based on US companies, thus may not be generalisable to other national settings. In addition,...
Design Services in Bahrain MIRAJ DESIGN CREATIVE MARKETING COMMUNICATION AMKINAH While formulating the corporate identity for Amkinah, we had to ensure that the design reflected the services and industry it caters to. Miraj created a typographical logo that positioned...
In this study we examine the relation between ownership structure and corporate performance the sample ofthe study includedout ofcompanies of all sectors in Bahrain Bourse in five years from -.Several dimensions of ownership concentration were studied in addition to managerial and institutionalownership....
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE EXTENT OF CORPORATE COMPLIANCE WITH IFRS: EVIDENCE FROM COMPANIES LISTED IN BAHRAIN STOCK EXCHANGE This research examine empirically the level of compliance with mandatory IFRSs disclosure requirements for companies listed on Bahrain Stock Exchange, and ... OIH Juhmani - 《Journa...
In case of payment of the stamp duty within the two months following the transaction date, the rate of the stamp duty is reduced to 1.7%. Registration and licence fees Companies are subject to registration and licence fees ranging from BHD 25 to BHD 1,000, which vary depending on the ...
(Note that while Bahrain, Belize, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have no general corporate income tax, all three impose a tax on companies in the petroleum industry and, in the case of the UAE, also on foreign banks.) Because of their 0% corporate tax, Bahamas, Bermuda, and the ...
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE EXTENT OF CORPORATE COMPLIANCE WITH IFRS: EVIDENCE FROM COMPANIES LISTED IN BAHRAIN STOCK EXCHANGE This research examine empirically the level of compliance with mandatory IFRSs disclosure requirements for companies listed on Bahrain Stock Exchange, and ... OIH Juhmani - 《Journa...
THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE AMONG PULIC-LISTED COMPANIES IN MALAYSIA Regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between firms' voluntary disclosure and independent variables consisting of board's size, board's independence, audit committee size and managerial own...