外网许多跑者注意到跑表评测界最具公信力的评测人Ray Maker在其网站DC Rainmaker上并未同步发表评测文章。许多读者询问 Ray 计划什么时候发表 PACE 3 的评测,Ray 回应他并未收到 COROS 提供的测试样机,将在自己购买的 PACE 3到货之后展开测试。公众于是开始了解到 COROS 与 DCR 之间的分歧。本文将依照时间线,讲...
Thus, I’ve linked the Pace 2 instead below, my full Pace 2 review is here.] Found This Post Useful? Support The Site! Hopefully you found this review/post useful. At the end of the day, I’m an athlete just like you looking for the most detail possible on a new purchase – so...
heart rate, cadence, speed/pace, running power, GPS tracks and plenty more. You can use it as well for your own gadget comparisons,more details here.)
VERTIX 2从1代的单星、双星组合模式提升到为双频(L1+L5*)的全星座定位模式,保证了户外运动时的信号...
3) Sleep Accuracy Increase, now with Sleep Phase/Stage Data: COROS previously had sleep tracking, but didn’t track the four sleep stages (Deep, REM, Light, Awake). This data will show on both the watch in a widget, as well as in the app afterward. (VERTIX/VERTIX2/APEX Pro/...
1、相比PACE 2,够大够man;2、几年前用过佳明920XT有点腻了,翻了翻B站,抖音知乎,打算支持下...
Pros-- 定位很准,我家大概是10栋25层的楼包围着中间的庭院,开的双频全星。约30s定好。记录也算准...
1) Virtual Run Profile: This transmits pace/cadence/HR to apps like Zwift, when on a treadmill (Vertix 2/Vertix 1/Apex Pro/Pace 2) 2) CORE Body Temperature Support: This adds native integration with the CORE body temp sensor 3) Adjusted Pace Data Field: This also supports EvoLab for ...
以 DC Rainmaker[1]和The5Krunner[2]的对比测试数据来看,POD 2 能产生的轨迹优化效果比较模糊。不过有意思的是国内的评测者@曾经有个死美工 发表的测试文章中[3],采用了穿行隧道的方式测试极端条件下 POD 2 的应对机制,颇有参考性: APEX 2 PRO + POD2 (左)与 Vertix 2 单机(右)在穿行隧道时的轨迹对比...