作者:Emily Marshall 适读年龄:3-9岁 疫情期间,如何做好预防和防护,小朋友们跟着今天的绘本,一起学起来吧!…
给孩子的新冠防护中英绘本-Coronavirus Safety for Children 1
绘本体验的重要性柳田先生说他与书的亲近有两次决定性的体验,一次是小学一年级时,因为急性肾盂炎... 绘本体验的重要性 柳田先生说他与书的亲近有两次决定性的体验,一次是小学一年级时,因为急性肾盂炎在家卧床休息一个学期... 云芳yunfang阅读 2,717评论 1赞 14 《向0敬个礼》~一本数学绘本带给我们的哲学...
线上微课,精彩放送 Coronavirus-+Safety+for+Children 视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试 刷新 杨素素中学一级教师,任中心英语专业教师,从事初中英语教学二十多年,具有丰富的教学经验,十多篇论文在市县评比中获奖或在教育杂志发表,指导学生在各项英语学科竞赛中获奖,...
Coronavirus Safety for Children Day 7 682020-02 5 Coronavirus Safety for Children Day 6 902020-02 6 Coronavirus Safety for Children Day 5 1202020-02 7 Coronavirus Safety for Children Day 4 1292020-02 8 Coronavirus Safety for Children Day 3 1372020-02 9 Coronavirus Safety for Children Day 2 17...
2 Coronavirus safety for children 122020-02 3 The carrot seed 62020-02 4 Eggs 192020-02 5 Hide and seek 132020-02 6 Introduce myself 132020-02 7 Introduce myself 112020-02 8 冠状病毒人间奇遇记 122020-02 9 Caterpillar caterpillar 62020-02 10 Rain in the country 82020-02 查看更多 ...
线上微课,精彩放送 Coronavirus-+Safety+for+Children 杨素素 中学一级教师,任中心英语专业教师,从事初中英语教学二十多年,具有丰富的教学经验,十多篇论文在市县评比中获奖或在教育杂志发表,指导学生在各项英语学科竞赛中获奖,并被评为竞赛优秀指导师。
Since the outbreak has created the need for students to takesafety precautionsas they venture back to in-person school learning, what is on your list of helpful advice? For more information, read these three related articles: Back to School Checklist for Parents & Kids During Coronavirus ...
Coronavirus Safety for Children 预防冠状病毒,孩子你可以这样做 1765 2020-03 3 Germs are not for sharing 2409 2020-02 4 I am snow 2576 2020-01 5 The Story of Christmas 2128 2019-12 6 The Snowy Day 2076 2019-12 7 There is a mouse in the house ...
1 The circus train 32020-04 2 Coronavirus safety for children 122020-04 3 Coronavirus Safety for Children 252020-03 4 The bossy hen 72020-03 5 The walking leaves 102020-03 6 Sweet to eat 82020-02 7 Town 102020-02 8 The Best insect! 52020-01 9 Bobby and the Monkey 122020-01 10 Mrs...