Data from the Framingham Heart Study and risk-appraisal models were used to develop a Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Factor Calculator® for early identification of high-risk individuals. The Calculator was tested at an employee health fair for a large northeastern US corporation. Of the 590...
Here we see the calculator being used for an older man with fairly favorable risk factor profile but 0 CAC. Under a risk score without CAC, 10-year estimated CHD risk is 9.3%, due in large part to his age. Once we factor in that he has no detectable CAC, estimated risk is only ...
Education and development of improved risk calculators should enable the most appropriate calculator to be used for an individual patient; accreditation of implementation could be achieved through the use of a standard set of test cases. 展开
Munir JA, Wu H, Bauer K, Binderman J, Byrd C, O'Malley P, et al. Impact of coronary calcium on arterial age and coronary heart disease risk estimation using the MESA arterial age calculator. Atherosclerosis 2010;211:467-70.
(using thisonline risk calculatoropens in a new tab or window). However, many apparent low-risk individuals (often due toinherited familial riskopens in a new tab or window) drop dead from ASCVD and many apparent high-risk individuals have no subclinical ASCVD and don't need preventive ...
The 10-year risk of atherosclerotic CVD (ASCVD) was calculated according to the Pooled Cohort Equations (PCE) calculator.1 The PCE is intended for individuals aged 40 to 79 years. For individuals aged 30 to 39 years, we used the raw PCE equations with removal of the age limitation and ca...
A significant increase in C-statistic for All CVD events was observed when adding AI-CAC measurements to basic risk factor models (0.745 (0.655–0.836) vs. 0.774 (0.693–0.852)) (Supplementary Table 5). A notable increase in discrimination for CVD prediction was demonstrated over 1-, 5-, ...
A preoperative risk assessment was calculated utilizing the version of the STS Risk Calculator tool corresponding to the date of the surgery. Actual postoperative outcomes of the study patients were compared to the preoperative risk predictions as well as with the actual outcomes from the STS data...
aged 40 to 70 years, with FHCAD events (first-degree male relative <55 years, female relative <65 years, or second-degree relative <50 years of age) and a predicted 5-year Australian Absolute Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculator (derived from the Framingham Risk Score) of from 2% to 15...
riskfactorsinassessingthecoronaryheartdisease(CHD)riskof asymptomaticpersons. Methods:Systematicreviewswereconductedofliteraturesince 1996on9proposednontraditionalmarkersofCHDrisk:high- sensitivityC-reactiveprotein,ankle–brachialindex,leukocytecount, fastingbloodglucose,periodontaldisease,carotidintima–media ...